'if we're all going to die and there's no afterlife then what you do while you're alive is the only thing that matters.
Saw a Tesla on the road today, and... It actually looks like a sports car... It's different irl than in pictures/videos, looks much nicer than you'd think
If I had to pick you between 4 and 6 I would probably say 4. 4w5 sp sx. I'm usually pretty accurate, but I haven't really thought about it. Ignore it if you want, I just thought I'd say something...
oh my god, why is the english dub for initial d so horrible!?!?
If you delete spam world then this thread will never have existed therefore you did not delete spam world in the first place Don't think it
Ever get that that thought process where your Ni comes up with some awesome idea, then your Te points out all the reasons why it's stupid and won't work, then your Fi is like it doesn't matter,...
Hello :proud: Its Mostly true. We definitely don't talk much. And our reaction too cold behavior depends on our mood and the person is coming from
Welcome to Introverted Feeling.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TDC9s-Kt-8 i cant believe i haven't noticed this before, im dying :laughing:
Im just a 2, lol
I was at the bottom of the stairs in my house, I was staring towards the top of the stairs. after that I don't remember, I think my mom walked in from the bedroom... My guess is she picked me up and...
Mbti is more useful. Enneagram is good if you fit into one of the 9 types if you dont then theres wings which gives you 27 choices, it's not as helpful, but it still works. But if you dont fit...
More like pineapple on pizza
First they say too much water can kill you now they're saying too much oxygen can kill you!? Fucking scientists, I bet they'll try to tell us 'eating too many bananas can kill you' or something...
I dont think you understand why people like this show, but why would that matter anyway? These people aren't hurting anybody by liking it so why would you need to tell them they're wrong for liking...
Im guessing most of the audience is Ni. The show has virtually everything that would appeal to Ni users (dark humor, philosophy, theories, science shit, pickles) What else could you want Sent...
Im an isfp and my best friend is an infp.
i know an introverted enfp
tried to extend my my pickle rick.gif avatar but i couldn't get it to a low enough file size without it being too small to see example: 702785 i had to record the gif, which ends up being 30 mb,...
i knew it. People these days are so clueless
You do know people taste things differently, right?
nah, i'm not in denial.
I spent like 2 hours getting this to a small enough file size (7mb to 188kb) What do you guys think? I might need to brighten it a bit
The red spirit which is better? original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XMuUVw7TOM With Eurobeat:
if you left your avatar blank and just change your avatar depending on the content of your post. for example how some games with pop up text boxes have the character sprite change depending on what...
fashion i guess... also to keep me from stabbing myself if the eyes somehow... also i'm nearsighted (astigmatism)
fe. when its good it can actually be nice. but when its bad its really bad... ^that wasn't a very good explanation... ok, so think of a sweet isfj mom stereotype (nice fe) and think of a bitchy...
The red spirit I saw on youtube some company put an electric motor in a corvette, an unforgivable sin, but it was extremely quick
*only beats a tesla by 0.1 second* Methinks the demon is more efficient at full speed too
last week
The red spirit istp now?
That's what I was going to do, I just couldn't decide what to wear first. Also, that's kind of what I just did. http://personalitycafe.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=700601&stc=1 The shoe on...
i know, i love it! :kitteh:
New shoes! Should I use black or white laces? http://personalitycafe.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=700561&stc=1 http://personalitycafe.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=700569&stc=1...
Your fine. That's nocebo^
She probably felt that you knew her well enough to know why you upset her, you must have broken her trust by not knowing. I don't think you would have a chance unless you figured out how you upset...
it wasn't a breaking drift if that's what you mean. the front tires weren't in a drift so there are only skid marks for the back, though you can probably see the front fire tracks if you look hard...
http://personalitycafe.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=699738&stc=1 Power parking :proud:
I thought you were going to say cats
So I slept really well, I don't know why but my dreams were so much more vivid, and I woke up feeling so much better than usual, maybe it's because I got up so early? Idk. I can't remember most of...
If we're at the point where we can grow meat in a lab, then why don't we just make something to replace meat altogether
Because it reminded me of you
The red spirit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q38Y5FLK63k'