
Explorers ISFP

Flexible and charming artists, always ready to explore and experience something new.


Your life experiences ultimately shape who you are and your dominating personality functions. I think locking up my emotions has something to do with my being an introverted feeler.

Yes, I am seeing that pattern as well! :p (I am no exception when it comes to metabolism.) Though, it is not my type that affects that, but my genetics. welcome to the forums : )

Yeah, I don't think I've caved to peer pressure very much... Perhaps once or twice. Mostly at the time I was just curious and wanted to experiment. I had some very amazing experiences that I will...

I only smoke pot. Though, I have experimented when I was a bit younger. ecstasy and magic mushrooms. Nothing extreme like Cocaine, Heroin or Meth though. I'm not an idiot. People like to...

I am the skinniest man alive. Type doesn't affect weight at all. Those things are hilarious though. I had a laugh reading them. :p

My friend, I was in the exact same position as you a month ago. I was so lonely I couldn't even believe. You can't have social opportunities if you don't go and look! Try finding out about some local...

Music. Mostly electronic at the moment, though I was a vocalist in a few bands, growing up.

http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/200640_107887319293912_100002179346435_78048_3376767_n.jpg that big piece of fluff on my shoulders is my kitten, Cecelia.



Well, to each there own I suppose. I do sometimes appreciate being alone. It's usually a nice time for reflective meditation. Introverts need it.

I would have to disagree, somewhat.... Or at least I know, I'm not like that. I hate conflict and I hardly ever go out of my way to bring up one's failures. In fact, I'm usually the one cheering that...

Thanks and welcome to the forum my friend!

Try and involve yourself more in social situations. I know it can be hard for us introverts, but we have just as much potential as the extroverts have if we just try to understand that if we don't...

For once, I'd have to agree with Jezroue... : | Still doesn't change the fact that it happens, however. Depression is something we all have to deal with at one point or another. Though I think...

Sure, I can be depressing. However, Every other personality type can be. Perhaps there are more then others. We also seem to forget that certain other factors play into somebody's full personality...

Ertertwert! thanks for uploading such good tunes! Synesthesia is one of my personal faves by porcupine tree. : ) cheers ^^

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_Vy--7DxaQ&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-v9I2kztI8I&feature=related Most likely one of my favorite bands. : p I sincerely, recommend listening...




I believe I do this quite often, I don't think it is a type-specific kind of thing. Though, perhaps Ni's do it a little more.


Well Hokahey, no matter what your name is, you are still a nice guy. Nothing wrong with that to me my friend. : )

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQEmaj9C6ko It's true. : p

My talents are very few but the ones that I have, I excel at. I am a singer, songwriter and I also write other types of literature. Poems, short stories, etc.

have you heard Steven Wilson's solo album? There are a lot of light songs but there are some VERY dark moments too. Check it out if you want. It kind of reminds me an INFJ actually. ...



I have the same problem, my friend. : ( We are consistantly inconsistant.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lh5_Wdd80lE This one always cheers me up. It's a little more mainstream but it really brings me back to when I was a kid. Oh, Nostalgia.... : P



^^^ Keep practicing. It is quite an amazing instrument.(only if you really like it of course)

Aspera - Thank you for the compliments! Nice avatar by the way, Aspera! Cheers. ^^^

For sure! Always glad to share good music with others who can appreciate it. ^^

This was about as close to an awesome mood that I could get... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VixG3b-C7Fk

Not a stalker at all. Just a person who cares very deeply for someone, who will never know, how much they mean to them.

Have a listen. Good good song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMOGaugKpzs

Damn, well I guess I better get started. I'll probably play horribly, however. :P

Now that, Is very very cool. I love Violin. Would you say it is very difficult to pick up? It must be hard to master.

You should definately make some more!

You should give it a shot! I'm sure you have a wonderful voice : ) What instruments are you inept at?

Glad to see that there are some knowledgeable people when it comes to Drugs and their legality. : )


I'm curious. Let me know if you are and I am totally up to hearing some of your work, if you are comfortable with it. I'm a singer, songwriter myself. :crazy: Any other INFJ's on here with musical...

I confess to belting out Don't Stop Believing by Journey when I am home alone. : P

Yoga is very good for the mind and body. I prefer Tai-Chi though. It just relaxes me more, while it works out my body.'