Also, I noticed that you created an account on Welcome!
I agree with this. As a 2002 born I don’t think I lean one way or another because I spent 5 years in the 00s and 5 in the 10s. And when I listen to songs from the years 2006-2013 I tend to get...
I was born in 2002 and I consider myself an ultimate late 00's / early 10's hybrid kid. Since my childhood ended in 2014, that means that I will spend all the second half of the 2010's (2015-2019) as...
did you just bump this thread
Like Longaotian said, early 2010's peaked in the 2011 school year, or 2010-2011 school year. When I think of the early 10's I usually think of the electropop era. Electropop was still popular then...
I'd say the 2010-2011 school year was the peak of early '10's and 2014-2015 school year was the peak of mid 2010's culture, IMO.
Whoever believes we are still in 90's culture is clearly living under a rock.
I can't even remember what I wore yesterday
IMO it should just be 13+. I don't see what's wrong with teenagers joining this forum but then again I only joined this year. So I still don't fully know this website yet
This thread has me like: 713329
I feel like I'm an early Z for some reason lol. I don't consider myself Gen Y but I don't feel like I'm the peak of gen z lol.
Mathematically speaking, the exact start of the mid 90's would be May 1, 1993. So it's both early and mid but it's mostly mid.
In his other post, he said that the C/O 2020 was the first core Z class. Now he's saying the C/O 2018 is the first 100% Z class. I think it's safe to say that he definitely describes my signature...
Couldn't agree more. Age 5 was when I felt like my childhood truly started, and I was getting into kids stuff at that age. Age 11 I was already graduating from Elementary, and I was headed into...
Well, that's exactly why I'm equally both, because I spent the first half in the 2000's and the second half in the 2010's. And my birthday is in April so I was 8 for most of 2010.
That guy needs to chill tbh. He's telling cooldudez he can't be on here cause he too young. But I'm just saying that as long as he is mature enough and doesn't start flame wars then he'll be fine.
He is allowed to have his own opinion.
I've never seen him get picked on just because of his age, and he's been here for about three months now. Also, you are only two years older than him. That age gap isn't big in the grand scheme of...
Maybe it's because he is mature, and doesn't get into arguments or start flame wars. And he's turnig 13 five months from now. Like what sweetbaby said, I'd give him a chance.
I agree. He probably won't be online for a long time tho. Idk why.
I remember first joining this website I was never asked to give out my birth date. That was after I created the account. And even then it's optional. I'm not sure what would happen if you set it to...
I'd say as long as he is mature enough and doesn't get into any flame wars, then he'll be fine. He's pretty chill tbh. Just go to that thread. OP (AKA my friend irl) was born in 2003. July to be exact.
I was born in 2002 so I'm still older than you XD
Older than planet Earth. Just kidding. I'm 15 lol
Thanks lol. I kinda like inthe00s a bit more than Personality Cafe when it comes to talking about Generations. I feel like the community there is more friendlier for some reason
Personally, I feel more comfortable using the simple 3-12 definition since I think it's the easiest way and I'd say my core childhood for me was ages 5-10 which is why I think I'm an ultimate late...
Sorry, but I don't agree with this. As a C/O 2020 member, I would not consider myself an outright 2010's kid. I consider myself equally a 2000's and 2010's kid. Period. Not leaning 00's or leaning...
I agree. I'm a sophomore in high school and I can easily relate to the Seniors (the one's born in 2000) I was born in 2002
7th grade is basically another version of 6th grade just new classes and learning new stuff so it's not even that different. You'll be fine.
Exactly lmao
I'm older than all of you guys xD and hi
Yes, I was born in 2002 and I do consider myself a 2000's kid. 2000's were the shit.
Kind of like my other thread but now we're ranking the years in music from best to worse. Here's what I think: 1. 2011 2. 2010 3. 2012 4. 2013 5. 2015 6. 2016 7. 2017 8. 2014
Representing for 2002 ;)
707617 Only ROBLOX players will understand.
I'm three years late. I consider myself equally a late 2000's/early 2010's kid and a mid/late 2010's teen.
Best response ever.
The Generation X span according to this website's definition is only 11 years long. They need to fix it.
No I'm talking about your 13th birthday not your 12th lmao
Six months. Ain't long from now. Happy extremely extremely early birthday xD
You guys talk like this is a role-playing game on ROBLOX
2009 and 2010 were definitely my most peak childhood years
That's like a person born in 1997 calling themselves a 2000's baby even though they were a kid for every single year in that decade
That's how I feel as a 2002 born I'm not an outright 2000's or outright 2010's kid. It's like the last true 2000's kids are a year older than me and the first true 2010's kids are a year younger,...
I'm 15, but I'm not really that into MBTI types. I'm usually here for the generation stuff. It told me I was an ISFP though.
2014 is as far away as 2020. Also as of today, April 1, 2015, is as far away as January 1, 2020.