'Don't really see financial mathematics as algebra as there's nothing abstract about it.
Yes. .
That's my friend's bunny when he was small and cute. Now he's big and fat haha. Most people fret over the scissors and ignore the cuteness of the bunny, you're a first =)
I didn't mean to come across as brash but there really isn't any need to go in that deeply. You don't have to study MBTI to figure out your type, it's made to be accessible to anyone. If a type...
This is what upsets me about MBTI. People think they should cleanly fit and pigeonhole themselves into one of the 16 types but guess what, people aren't that simple. We're complicated. Chances are,...
TBH I find the stuff posted on this forum to be pretty dry. I skim through the threads every few days and make maybe a post or two but most of the things aren't that interesting and usually about the...
Why do you need to believe in someone?
I never truly WANT anything - the wants I have are not physical. For me a simple photograph with a thoughtful message is worth more than a $5000 gift. We love sentimental things, things we can form...
One thing I remember about an INFJ I knew was that he would never admit he's wrong.
Yeah. Totally agree with you on the bossy side thing. I guess it's because we're doers and don't like to see people not doing things they're supposed to. Also, for me I'm a semi control freak because...
47, a heavily inflated number.
Dave Brubeck Quartet - Time Out http://take5five.files.wordpress.com/2008/07/take5.jpg Fav track: Take Five Am I the only person into jazz here?
Also, employers tend to pigeonhole based on past work experiences. (i.e. you will very much more be chosen for jobs similar to previous jobs) I don't think you've mentioned subjects that interest...
I usually end up as INFP on tests but pfft i know better than these silly tests
Nopez. Did shisha though. Does that count?
Wow I must say this is one of the more well thought out and meaningful posts I've come across in a while. As to the subject of having a partner over - I don't mind it but I tend to live in places...
All I want to say is that you don't change your personality type like you change your clothes. I feel that a lot of people mistype before they find one that truly reflects them. In line with that I...
I totally agree with you that that is the wrong way to deal with criminals. Righteousness does not equate to tolerance. If that were so, the good guys would be tolerant and do nothing against...
Greetings Professor Snape.
I think that has more to do with tone (in a post) or the way a person reacts to you (in a conversation). My ENFP English prof once said they should implement a tone filter to avoid sending the...
I got INTP then ENFP. Makes sense because I get on very easily with INTPs and ENFPs are very much different. The test's phrasing is clearly biased towards N types..
Too many words man.. A difference I notice right off the bat is you analyse things based on a set of rules while I use the set of rules to explain something. What I mean by this is your post implies...
INTJ = batman! Seriously though, I find them to be pretty cold and detached. I worked with one before and he didn't make an effort to be close to any coworkers, he just keeps to himself. The thing I...
1. Do you guys have the need of hiding stuff? I get hurt by his introvert side a lot. I know that he needs time alone but I get paranoia thinking that he might be seeing someone else.. Yes. 2....
I'm not sure of your financial situation but I think his current career is honorable and fulfilling. Better to be happy than rich.
I used to until I got to upper year courses where things become more theoretical and convoluted. I miss having to calculate things like conditional probabilities, pdfs and doing hypothesis testing....
I'll be the odd sheep here and say that I'm double majoring in Actuarial Science and Statistics w/ a Music minor. Lots and lots of math, logic, structure and reasoning. Whoopee.
Well I worked as a summer camp counselor where there's non-stop people interactions and I was fine with it. Didn't get grumpy or anything.
Admittedly I've been feeling pretty indifferent recently about religion. It seems like everyone's hating each other because of it and most religions can be summed up as this - do good. As a writer...
I guess when you die you guys would find out whether you're right or wrong... Try not to let it get to that stage though
You sound like you're trying too hard >.>
Take a look at his threads and you will lol
Couldn't agree more! Back to school, urgh
I thought I'd share a message someone sent me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqwgVo33dyA
They have labels you've probably never heard before - preps/emos/goths etc which are pretty lord of the flies-ish. In my school everyone mixed together in good fun. Looking past all the hiccups of...
He's really sexy! (no homo)
I'm taking a wild guess and guessing you're from Britain the way she has to wear a uniform and that she goes to a secondary school. It reminds me so much of my primary and secondary school years! I...
I love your little bunny spotters. I didn't notice them the first look through. When did you draw this? You could have given yourself a bigger gun and the guy, erm.. a pair of scissors? xD
Eye of the Potato let me help you with that After reading this I'm really starting to wonder what you hope to accomplish here. You just made a huge wall of text griping and needlessly...
^^ I agree with the above post. You don't change your type. People usually say that to form common ground to show that he/she knows a lot about something to win an argument. What would you think of...
You seem to be describing women there bro.
And their forum is one of the most interesting too =)
It gave me an excuse for being a social retard
Glad to see some like-minded people here =) We are not alone!! xD
ESFPs are like the antitheses to ISFPs. The main question would be if you're an extrovert or introvert. It's usually the function people identify easiest with. If in doubt, ask family and friends.
Anarchy which do you identify yourself more with, you can only pick one. All Artisans share the following core characteristics: Artisans tend to be fun-loving, optimistic, realistic, and...
There's tons of books and articles written on this subject mate. Those guys do get more girls but quantity =/= quality and those aren't the kinds of girls we're interested in are we. After all, deep...
It's there to make his life more exciting =)
Agreed. Tests are pretty bad. I find it more accurate to look at descriptions and the pros/cons of each type. Especially with questions like this: Are you creative? Do you experience things or...'