
Explorers ISFP

Flexible and charming artists, always ready to explore and experience something new.

We are Duals not CareTakers . theoretically our relationship is the Best and the the most flowing of all relationships .

I get kinda intuitive when i am high on weed. Though the details of that intuitive feeling are mostly sensory .

Its all about..short short term' short term' long term ' long long term plans.....important thing is to live your life to the fullest...we do live in the moment but do we love every moment of our...

its a Fact.......who ever Bullies people is more likely to be a victim of Bullying....We are conflict avoidant to begin with so we aint bullies nor are we the bullied .

Lets get something clear....Art is of diverse Categories....Composing music is Art, Making Lyrics for Music is Art, Painting is Art....Having an Artisticlly designed Life is Art its self in fact that...

Al Haq Min Rabikum Falaa Takuunuu Minal Mumtariin ...................................................Hargaysa/Hargeisa .

you are according to the theory Conflictors........every negative affair can be turned into a positive affair though .

power should be given to harmless people....because they wont use it to harm .

type Nervo Twins ? 333930 333938 I think and this is just a projection that the Short Haired one is ISFP......and the Long haired one is ESFP .....

she is a feeler ..and an Extrovert and most likely a Sensor . so shes either ESFP or ESFJ, I am not sure if she uses too much Fi . i honestly think she is an ESFJ along with many other talented...

I wanna type the best ISFP musician in the last decade MICHAEL JACKSON / i think he is the Introvert Extrovert type.....the guy came across as Introvert Introvert though .

Would you say then that you are more the Introvert Introvert Type .

Our advancement stays Natural as long as the advancement we are making is Natural itself, the less we break Nature rules the better......because breaking Nature rule means making something that was...

Because we ourselfs are part of Nature and the further we disprove nature the ''not better'' for us. one might argue though that Humans are in many ways the most advanced beings in Nature, that...

100s who originated from 2, those 2 who formed as the result of a splitting ONE . I am not making it a Binary , nature made it that way......everything is of pairs , not just in MBTi . you...

stiletto ...this is the ENTJ division , i could be wrong though . Extrovert Extrovert ENTJs Madeleine Albright 326026 Nancy Pelosi 326034

the401 Yeah thats why we call you Introvert Extrovert ISFP.:happy:

the whole concept came of the idea that everything is of pairs....or that every single thing divides its self into 2 and then each of those TWO's divide into two and it goes on...... we see this...

I think most type 7s will fall under the Introvert Extrovert category ..

if those type 9's are still in high school ...tell them to get enough of that life style ...while they are still in high school and even to some extent early years of university .....but there will...

TopCatLSD you are a 1w2 ? ...you now I've only came across one ISFP type 1 ...and it was online and she was a 1w9 .

I think that a type 9 person leading a bad lifestyle is prone to some of the things you said. for instance Showering , i remember a time when i would not take a shower for weeks busy doing...

ferroequinologist Fi is our main Function , somehow i couldn't associate it with only one group of US ....but i do get what you mean . very draining , but you guys(Introvert Extrovert...

Algorithmics Scarlet Johanson is an ISTP , I am not 100% sure but I am more confident typing her The Introvert Introvert Type . this is a Good Example of an Ie INTP VS Ii INTP Introvert...

of all the stories posted here about INFJ/ISFP relationships , the ISFP guy in this story is the only real ISFP , the guy is sooo ISFP ....though showing too much affection in public is kinda weird...

How do our Cousins the Introvert Extrovert ) one's come across to you ..i find them slighly more interesting , because of the slight difference i guess

and Tega1 a little correction , its not Extrovert Introvert ISFP its Introvert Extrovert ISFP . Extrovert Introvert is for E types ...for instance within ESFP's there is the Extrovert Introvert...

doublePost .

Skrillex Introvert Extrovert ISFP 316634 Vera Farmiga Introvert Extrovert ISFP 316642

but between the two groups you relate more to the Introvert Extrovert type , it may be that within that group you are more the Introverted One's ....and that each group then divides itself into 2...

Therefor more like the Introvert Extrovert Type instead of the Introvert Introvert . Tega1 you are easy , you are Introvert Introvert .

Frank Ocean - Introvert Introvert ISFP 316122 Riley Keogh - Introvert Introvert ISFP 316130

ferroequinologist I'll check him again . theredpanda but in you true essence , you are more like the I-introvert ISFPs type ?

EMINEM , Introvert Extrovert ISFP . 315450 Christina Hendricks , Introvert Extrovert ISFP . 315466

I personally think Being an Introvert Introvert ISFP that Introvert Extrovert ISFPs are very cool and appealing , I honestly find my group boring , because we are so much the same i guess . ...

Introvert Extrovert ISFPs Lady Gaga 314321 Zack Efron 314329 Avril lavigne 314337

Hallo ISFP's , if we noticed one thing about MBTI , it is the Pairs and the Opposites Feeler vs Thinker ....S vs N ....J vs P ..every function , or personality has its two pairs for instance , the...

JoetheBull , I am now safely building an empire in my head , its surrounded by unfriendly empires though . mikan you would be one high Queen , your ESTJ queen assistant would topple you while High .

in the words of Great Rihana ...''But no matter what you'll never see me CRYYYY'' , Crying is sometimes a relief , its better private though .

An ISFP King/Queen ..what would he/she be like . i feel like ruling the galaxy right now . lets end the Era of ISFP musicians and begin the ERA of ISFP rulers .

INFJ's really LIKE ISFPs , this thread made it official . after many many threads .

interesting ......

These genuine motives can be inspired by religion as much as it can be inspired by any Humanitarian Civilized Thought . therefor an Individual can be humanitarian simply on account of his Religion...

a law thats the same no matter ones accidental nature . A law that will apply to the peasant in Laos as much as it applies to the Banker in New York .

I think we should both Love and Fear...if one prevails we have a dis balance , and this is not inline with the rules of Nature....we cant just do something for the sake of Love , nor for the sake of...

Hornet ... if so then thank God I am a 9w1 and not a 9w8 .

One's Se depends on him/her ....

will and anger can be associated to any Eneagram Type . I think that for instance the body types would naturally be better at reading body language and Signals .

This is a very Interesting Post , thank you IllyKitty .

that Priest is so not serious . .