'Thanks everyone. I know I haven't been on in... well... forever, but I'm been really busy with stuff. Thanks for the uplifting words and help.
I dunno if I've already posted here but whatevs. INFP type 4. Other close friends include: ENFJ type 2. INTP type 5. ESFJ type 6.
Well, a couple weeks ago I complained about my car. I could honestly care less about that now. A week after I got my new car, my dad died for no reason. It was very sudden and he showed no signs...
I just finished my shoes. Now to finish my cube painting, lady drawing, clown drawing, clown painting, and other various small drawings! ;D
I hate GIMP so much. Try Paint Tool Sai. You only get a trial, but, it doesn't kick you out, so you can always print screen your work.
I have several going at the moment. I have one in this MASSIVE drawing pad I have. Then several smaller ones going in... somewhat smaller sketchbook I have. I only have big drawing pads. :/
1. What is more important to you? The ends or The means? Can it be both? I guess if I had to chose, the means. 2. In your opinion, what is your biggest flaw? My laziness. I'm sooo lazy. If I...
I have to do this next year when I go to MICA in Maryland. I'm currently in the West now. :/ But, for now, I'm a high school senior.
We need more ISFPs. Welcome, dear.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhyXLGLG13I I just bought Spirit If..., so, naturally, I will be listening to it.
I purposely left out Y. I have a strange dislike for the letter. If you really wanna know though, Y is an evil sum'gun and tried to kill A. WAIT. I spelled striped wrong. Sorry about that. :/
I do this too. A = Red and the number 2. B= Blue and the number 3 C= Yellow and happy D= Purple and the number 8 E= Grey and depressed F= Ocean blue and bananas G= Cream and milk H= Orange...
UM UM. Yes. Prescription narcotics. For headaches. It turned into an addiction and yeah. I'm better now. I still have cravings to get high, but, I have self control. I use herbal medication...
I went and got all the stuff out of my car today. :/ So, I saw my car for the last time ever.
I really suck bro At making haikus for you I should just stop now.
I'm hypersensitive. Except in matters of people criticizing my art. I activally seek that out. No worries. I think it is an ISFP thing.
So, about a month ago, while driving, someone rammed me in the rear. Now, I'm not materialistic at all, but this car meant a lot to me. It was my brothers and my brother is currently gone on a two...
Nahhh. My brother is an ENFP and LOVES to help mentally handicapped kids. It's his passion. Maybe you can try that?
I have no idea why people dislike ESFJ's. My friend does. But her mother is...................... the unhealthiest ESFJ I've ever seen. She's insanely controlling and won't let her 18 year old son...
....You're incredibly animated. .... When you get confused, you dance.
Lol I think this should be in the venting section of PerC, :D Do the lovely mods want to move it?
This happens to me all the time. Especially with these new kittens I have right now. Every time I come home, they run up to me all excited. When I watch TV, they all crawl up on me and fall...
You're so weird! You have the oddest taste in music. Toughen up. - I'm tough enough. :I You draw really good! HAVE I HAVE PICTURE OF ME LOLOMGPLZZZZ? - ;A; I don't want to draw you. Can...
^ I agree fully, but.... I still like him.
INTJ - 2. INTP - 3 INFP - 1 INFJ - 0 ISFJ - 2 ISTJ - 0 (;A; I may know one.) ISTP - 2 ISFP - Me. ENTJ - 2. ENTP - Possibly 1.
Currently, The Middle East Beirut Clap Your Hands Say Yeah! This song in particular: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7SSC3ex-bA The lyrics are so beautiful. ;v;
Hohoho. I like Soma's answer. Good way to use the brain force, young jedi. I'm a loser, so, the second one sounds good. Love is far more important than success, in my opinion.
The Mega Trilogy. You know, Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus. Mega Shark vs. Crocosaurous. Mega Piranha. And even though they're quite literally the worst movies I've ever seen, I love them.
;A; FINALLY. ;v;
http://www.comingsoon.net/gallery/59160/Its_Kind_of_a_Funny_Story_3.jpg The book was wayyyy better. They didn't even touch his drug use. Didn't show how stressed he really was. The characters...
Now: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7SSC3ex-bA&NR=1&feature=fvwp Earlier: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1m975PSevQ&playnext=1&list=PL86C7367A9B98FCC3
Everything. But, Indie and Experimental are my favorites. I like Kanye West a lot, too, even though Hip Hop and Rap are probably my second least favorite, under Pop.
INFP, INTP(2), ENFJ. INTP(2) and ENFJ are girls. INFP is boy. He's my closest friend. I also have an ESFJ friend, but, he and I aren't super close.
It depends on who I am speaking to. Around my almost-close friends, I have this awkward loud nervous voice. Around my closest friends, it depends on my mood. I'm either kinda silent, or talking...
I drew this for an acquaintance's birthday. Experimenting with new art styles. http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/206/b/4/scientist_by_whatwords-d41jd1l.png The hands and arms are...
Um. Mother (ESFP) + Father (INTJ, my mother says. It's extremely hard to tell, due to his horrible mental health) = ENFP (Brother), ISFJ(Sister), ISFP(Me.)
Your family- Extremely quite My mom and dad- Silly Very time I speak, I get cussed out, so, I gave up. I generally go hide in a closet or something until the family party is over. If I'm out of...
This thread makes me sad. All 16 types are equally fantastic, in my eyes. I'd have to say, If I was to choose a type to be with (which I would never do in one million years), but say if I had no...
^ Smart, sexy ENTPs.
I can't edit my post. :I I deleted that video, so, have this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDaXh2epN8E
Well, right now, as I am currently conversing with him, malevolent. He likes to talk about dark, evil things.
I love my ESFJ because he's the sweetest person I know. He cares about everyone. I don't think he could purposely hurt a fly. He does everything for my small friend group. He'll go way out of his...
I really hate these how to deal with x threads. Though my ESFJ can get annoying (i.e. calling me at 11PM, 1AM, every thirty mintues to see if I wanna hang out), I don't just deal with it. ...
;v; I made one. it will be posted soon, first, I must edit and make it pretty. My hair looks silly. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7h9ZJOZc7Bg It's reallllyyy quiet, so turn your speakers up....
That story is breaking my heart. <3
I agree with Ingrid Michaelson being an INFP. Max Bemis (Say Anything) I see Se. As well as Fi. In interviews he's ALWAYS touching himself or something else. He seems kinda in his own head,...
Stereotypically imagine an ISTJ? Super sexy hott beasts. I may be romanticizing ISTJ's. MAY.'