'I've gotten to the point where I'm rather comfortable and happy with myself. It wasn't always that way, it took many hard years to get to where I am now, but, while I'd obviously like to work on some...
Wow, what a subject...and one of my favorites! Romance is more vague to me I think. Also more in the hands of the romancer, so more inclined to the first stages of a relationship. What I mean is...
Thinking about talking to my girl after work makes me smile :proud:
46, so about average, but the questions were confusing like some others said, but whatever :P
I'm most definetely a meat chomping carnivore. I understand veganism as well, on a nutritional and moral level, but I don't think I could ever give up the flesh. I just enjoy it too much.
I like that I remember things that most people wouldn't. I take no small measure of pride in that. I like that I want things badly, but I'm in tune enough with the moment that I don't worry myself...
As I think I've mentioned previously, mostly writing, a lot of poetry, but some narrative as well. I'm pretty comfortable and confident in it, and it helps me understand myself and what I'm feeling...
My Boss calling John Mayer John Gayer made me smile today. :P
Totally this! Even when it comes to the writing part. Well I don't know about the self-help book thing, I've never tried that for myself so I can't say. But yeah, I will just go for a walk in the...
I would definitely say not to involve the ex in any way whatsoever. That may just make it more real to him, instead of just an idea. Even if it were to crush hope etc. You want to completely...
i just started it myself, but What Dreams May Come sounds like it's about right for what the OP is looking for. It takes place almost entirely in the protagonist's mind. If you've seen the movie...
I do thoroughly enjoy art, but I'm not fanatical about it. I could spend all day in an art museum, but I'd be just as happy at a history museum. I think i enjoy the aestetics of every day things just...
As someone who was married to someone with bi-polar (haven't settled on a type for her, but i lean towards ENFJ) I strongly agree with this. If she didn't have her meds, she was nonfunctional and a...
OMG yes!!!! I LOVE LOVE IT...and screw recipes!! I want to give my own little spin to it, I'm constantly experimenting with new spices and flavors, and I want people to love it to pieces! I want to...
A combination of what's already been said here. Feeling like I'm understood, accepted for who I am, and appreciated for the little things I try to do for her. That's HUUUGE! Also simple small...
Mutts!!! I like medium size, about Aussie Shepherd size (and some Aussie mixed in there would be great too), and perhaps a little terrier mixed in there too as I really like the terrier temperament....
Hi there, as I say on my profile, I'm pretty new to the personality types, but it's uber interesting, and I hope to use it to find more about myself and how to deal with people around me better. ...
First of all, I'm very new here, and I strongly suspect I'm ISFP after a few tests and reading about their behavoir characteristics. Just not willing to declare that yet until I get more information....'