'some bad things but only in my mind, when i get really frustrated and don't know what will i do, and then get sorry about it a moment later
what a stupid topic, unbelievable
I myself from ISFP turn to mean ISTJ and i hate myself for that and everybody who stays in my way.
you are special
lust lust lust
lust lust lust
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRcKSzOLrKE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't know who could approve something like changing your NAME. How to say it..It's Stupid. Please don't change your name, I like your name.
plain stupid things to think about
I wrote my name inside a train with a MARKER
You want to stick to text? :shocked:
heroes 3, doom 2, gta 3, VC, max payne 1, rtcw, ut99,
i used to hate http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzy2dgEUOhY but now i just dont care anymore
i am going to watch it in theatre with my sister
paramore - riot:tongue:
It is all art/or nothing is art. Couldn't everything be art?
i am a silent adrenaline addict, and isfp, but male
Ayria http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cv4XmqHEhBc it so strange..how i manage to catch myself listening to this song on a tuesday night-as mentioned in the song
they have brown hair and green eyes
bravo bravo
THANK YOU! I like it. i like lsd(the song) and dark magus WE ARE BOTH ISFP! dark magus http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tf2bdHM1oTg
It would be ENTJ / ESTJ
Why do I have a feeling that S is like a flaw in comparison with N N is More in life, S is Less in life I constantly have that feeling. I personally think of N people as people we...
Sophia Bush: http://i45.tinypic.com/96klxz.jpg Zooey Deschanel: http://i50.tinypic.com/slttl4.jpg Scarlett Johansson: http://i49.tinypic.com/2ibyyb4.jpg Natalie Portman:
thank you all for answers:happy:
What do you think about my theory that most S's prefer Cats and most N's prefer Dogs? Or it is not related at all ? Didn't know where else to post it, and didn't know how to make a pool.
there we go http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bz6FtH2AJcg damn i love female vocalists. that's what love is
I LOVE that song. and haddaway-what is love from previous post :D from night at the roxbury. I think thinking about love is same as thinking about meaning of life. therefore love=meaning of...
exactly .. me too. lol
Chocolate, cookies, chocolate cookies every day, something sweet for times I'm feeling the need for sweet :tongue: lol
I am having a Blast today! wohoo. :tongue::crazy::tongue::crazy:
Welcome both of you, my friends..
Mozart (musician) was ISFP :)
im doing it now with this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IeJ1GaDDgzA but soon i'll just 'move' to something else...maybe even totally different genre of music like trance. and put it on repeat...
Im ISFP. Equilibrium Gattaca Amadeus Hackers Fear and loathing in Las Vegas Donnie Darko Trainspotting Clerks
keep it at my house, not worry about money ever again, and donate some every now and then to people who need it more than me
I have a feeling that it's not too good when 2 people are the exact opposite
That's a tough one. At least for me. Hmmm... everything I like I also hate, and not vice versa. I can't tell you one thing about myself that I like and don't hate at the same time. :/ f*ck.
I am ! :D but everyone is an adrenaline junkie on a different way
If I learn how to live alone, I will like it.
They feel shitty.
ENFP I guess.'