Now that you mention it, I see a lot of Christian Grey style ENTJ-ness in Narcisse (I'm pretty sure Anastasia was also an INFJ). Their overall relationship quite reminds me of Fifty Shades, which is...
I'm a high school senior so don't judge me! I get to school like an hour early and I head to the art room but it's locked so I knock on the office door to see if the teacher's inside. My teacher...
Definitely ENTP! Don't over think this. It takes one to know one.
I think you need a better understanding of the functions. Ne is the most creative and imaginative of all of the perceiving functions. It is also more philosophical than Ni, though that comes as a...
Well... unhealthy ESFJs do NOT act like ENFPs at all. The only unhealthy ones I've had to deal with went to high school with me and they were mostly insecure cheerleaders who used their Ti to...
Judgmental isn't the word for these guys. NTJs and TPs are critical and a bit skeptical (which is quite different from judgmental). You want actual judgmental types? That's what the SJs are there...
Well, it depends. Most NTJs do. Christian Grey-style ones, however, never ever come across as SJs. I've met a few toned down real life versions of him. They exist and they aren't scary.
I'm an ENTP too and my mom is an ISFJ and she's even more difficult than ESFJs are (at least they don't judge our extraversion). xSFJs are supposed to be 'caregivers' yet I think the are just as...
I'm glad I'm not the only one. Yeah it sucks. Sometimes I wish I were an SF because they are the least philosophical (with the exception of ISFPs, who are somehow in the ranks of INFPs). Look this...
Well, we don't even use Te so I really don't know. The only thing that really works for me is genuine will-power. Without that I'm a big time procrastinator. You just need to blackmail yourself with...
I'm pretty sure you described an ENTJ in that last part. We're Ne-doms, not Ni-users. We're like logic-oriented ENFPs. Ne is not exactly a future-focused function like Ni is. It focuses more on...
INTJs. They have their shit together and they aren't externally obnoxious (almost every single ENTJ I've ever met).
Don't threaten to kill people. I had anger management issues back then and it got me in trouble on a daily basis.
I'm an ENTP. I would definitely choose ENFP. I love my Ne. I don't think I'd like being an ESTP much anyway.
1. YES! HELL YES! I think it's mainly an ENTx thing though. 2. My mom does this and I resent her for it. I think that's an SJ thing.
I'm a sculptor and I was bored one day and I wanted to make a rainbow on my wrist, but I didn't have any markers or writing utensils really since I was at my aunt's place. But, I did have my swiss...
ENTP discipline... Lol. Well, on a more serious note, I'm sure it could hypothetically be possible but it hasn't worked for me yet. Damn it... Stupid Ne!
SLUEI. Based on the description, it's the kind of type an ISFP or INFP would be but here I am.
Yeah to this day, I still haven't figured out whether I'm an ENFP or an ENTP. I see an equal amount of Fi and Ti in me.
Put simply, assertive types are healthy variants and turbulent types are unhealthy variants. I can't tell you much about turbulent ESFJs though since I'm definitely not an expert on the type
I can see INTPs and ISTPs getting mixed up, but ESTPs are more like ESFPs and ENTPs are more like ENFPs, in my opinion.
I'm don't think ESFJs are fundamentally insecure? What about the assertive ones? Insecurity is something that only shows up in turbulent personalities of any type. I think requiring external...
I'm not an ESFJ, but I just thought that I'd say that I really like you guys a lot. I think people hate turbulent ESFJs since they resemble the bitchy cheerleaders most of us had to deal with in high...
My best friend is an ESFJ and, well, the term 'best friend' should probably already tell you that I like her very much. If she wasn't there for me, I would have probably jumped out of a roller...
No. I wasn't being serious. That's just my way of criticizing another's comment. I actually don't particularly dislike ESFJs, but rather like them. My best friend is an ESFJ and she wouldn't be my...
4w5, 7w8, 3w4 sx/so 458
It's alright. You shouldn't worry. That was me at his age. Honestly, I wouldn't worry about ADHD with him because most extraverted children appear to have it. However, if he still continues like this...
STJs limit creativity and SFJs are way too Fe-bent and smothering so the whole anti-SJ thing has been established. But if there was one perfect type for us it would be... ENTP! Surprising! (not).
7w8 Chicken/Eggplant Parmesan Peach Crêpes Strawberry Lemonade Mac and Cheese Spaghetti and Meatballs
That's the Ti and Fe working together. Yes, all the time.
I agree with you. I think the difference is that feelers aren't cowards and aren't afraid to feel. I think that under all of our layers of logic, we thinkers are probably even more sensitive.
Well I have an extremely dominant 'alpha' personality overall, and I seldom meet anyone who can challenge me. While my default is dom because of my tendency to push boundaries, ideally speaking, I'd...
Hi! ENTP here! Okay so I can only speak for my screwed up self, but yeah I am a romantic. However, I'm a closet romantic and honestly I can come across as borderline anti-love and very whorey if you...
Well I honestly don't like to mix physical affection with intellectual conversations but I love both. By this I mean that I love cuddling in the dark with some food without saying much and I also...
This was me back in high school: Guy (who was forced to sit next to me who I don't particularly like and isn't particularly attractive): *Smiles and says hi* Me: *awkwardly tucks strand of hair...
1. I can't (only) because it's illegal/immoral. 2. I give up. You win. 3. I need to follow the boss's rules. 4. Abstinence is bae. 5. Bae.
Well, based on what you say about your mom, I think she just doesn't think it's funny when people get hurt which is actually very INFP. They take the pain of others very seriously and honestly we...
You're probably right about the insipid part. You don't seem to fit into that category. But, I beg to differ when you say that it's all generational. It may be that way to a certain extent though. My...
It IS to be happy. I used to be INFP-style depressed as a child. But then, I turned 6 and realized that the meaning of life was to be happy. I never had another emo day ever again.
Welcome to the club! The single life rocks. Finally freeeeeeeedom!!!!!!!!!!
I'm an ENTP and my mom is an ISFJ... she has always based my ability in everything on my age ever since we both took IQ tests when I was 6. I got 140 and she got 112. So, she likes to pretend that I...
Well maybe we all hate ESFJs like your mom because they say that we don't deserve rights.
I'm an ENTP and I have my INFP moods and I'm telling you that both types should not be a particular goal for a typical ESFJ. Mostly because, we'll get frustrated with you, which will in turn upset...
I disagree completely. I think it's upside down.
Well I'm definitely an Ne-dom. I'm not going to say otherwise. I'm definitely wild, crazy, creative, all over the place etc. So, yes, I identify with Ne very strongly. However, my Ti is very well...
I make sure that I'm not a type 1 because that is just an excuse to be a dumb ass. And it's very obvious. In terms of trying to survive in society, I'd obviously I want to be an SJ instead because...
ENTP lol
If only this correlation stuff was true. My mom is an ISFJ, my grandpa is an ISFP and my sister is an ESFP. I grew up with them and I'm an ENTP. My dad is the closest thing to me (INTJ) but I only...
I'm an ENTP and my boyfriend is an INFJ and I can definitely see why we shouldn't mix. There are stages in which you view each other differently and each one poses its own set of issues. Stage 1:...
I usually never cry. Sometimes I've tried at funerals to prevent myself from laughing, but it doesn't work like that. However, I bawl my eyes out when someone finally gets me to stop being an...