
Explorers ISFP

Flexible and charming artists, always ready to explore and experience something new.

well you are sad and want to be happy but don't list why you are sad, so my advice is go do happy things

just do what u like, is that so hard. i'm a high school graduate that plays runescape and wow

or my 1975 rolex date just, with vvvvvvvs diamond dials, with gold from king tut's coffin

if you can find a buyer for my 40m red diamond dog tag

get a degree in something you like, i rather work for a day then a year.

huge airheads, well developed and their extremely welcoming and can actually think.

a bad one

be a cop

just work at mcdonalds and try to get 50% off mmmmmmmmmm

your name is insinuating, extremely. your profile picture, your sig. either you are completely self absorbed, therefore it's cool B, or you are a tryhard bbb

hug him tight next time and say, never let me go baby

when you tell someone not to care, remember we aren't walking racialists. how can you have that as your name, any half-assed person could immediately pick up on it. Before you call me a hypocrite,...

i'm more of a video gamer

working out releases many endorphins, eat healthy foods you enjoy. do things you like and stay far away from things you hate or anything that is closely associated.

never works out, sounds like ur a keg

would help if we knew why

look, this is something you need to see a psychologist about. you're destroying the norm and all its social constricts when you go down this road, not to offend.. i don't want it to seem like you're...

you're asking if you have Asperger's, a is the primary and the rest is just the break down. if you exhibit all of this you're most likely a genius in the pacifist community. now if you want to do...

besides making others think their inferior because they aren't so self absorbed

more like 99%

hello i am rico and i'm from the united states. I live in Boston and recently discovered this type profile thing. It's very interesting, however, and unfortunately so.. extremely frustrating. I've...