
Explorers ISFP

Flexible and charming artists, always ready to explore and experience something new.

'Thank you so much for the mention! But looking back at what i wrote, it now feels so biased and juvenile an attempt.

I love how you draw and paint. These were just lovely. Beautiful. Especially loved the first two :happy:

Wow :shocked: I didn't think there'd be so many March people! I am a Marcher too! :tongue:

Two more that I did today :) Traditional medium. One's edited on Picasa :tongue: Burning Spring...

:sad: it's one picture. :'(

firedell the page shows no picture!


u200eNothing in the world is permanent, and we’re foolish when we ask anything to last, but surely we’re still more foolish not to take delight in it while we have it. If change is of the essence of...

I don't know most of the people here (and most of the people don't know me :tongue:) but it was all so cute to read!! Make more matches infps!!! :happy:

Where does everything go? What are thoughts really? Does the universe never really end? But how can that be?...

Just some pencil drawings...I already posted these on the ISfp forum but yeah i'll go again :tongue: Find yourself...

Colouring isn't my forte yet, so most of these are just pencil drawings. This was in celebration of Earth Day :)...

aww @Stephen @Kayness Guess you won't get to miss me any more :P

Listen to it ALL DAY until you get fuckin' tired of it!! I have earworms that last a month or more at times :tongue:

We aren't stones right? And even if you are the one driving, let's just put it this way even a pilot needs a co-pilot. I am really sorry that things got weird...it happens with me all the time.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bccKotFwzoY&ob=av3e The one in me who never wants to give up the fight http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=834lnECcFw0 The one who already has ...

Encounter - essays

childofprodigy I don't know if you are very new to the forum or aren't very used to the rules- but threads like these encourage or propagate typism which isn't encouraged at all. No type is more...

I'd be so happy!! :tongue: But then I'd start freaking out since i'd be at a loss to handle the situation with the perfect calm i wish i could. :/

I think distance affects us more than even we expect it would. We aren't very good at dealing with it when people we are attached to move away from us. Yes of course we deal with it but the dealings...

Umm I don't really think we respond well to seduction. even dressing up as a bunny won't help. We appreciate people who really try to know us!

I like my occasional drinks. I love how certain cocktails taste and I love love love vodka! :happy: I however have never gotten drunk and intend to keep it that way. I literally want to become an...

VViper I am being corroded, abraded By gum drops from a gangrene along the roof of the mouth words are seeping out without thought virile and ominous, sharp like swords You should have...

All of these are very awesome :)

Congrats Bast!! ^_^


when someone listens to me, understands me. When they kiss me on the forehead or put their arms around me when I am feeling all the blues of the world within me. When they look at me a certain way,...

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s320x320/396398_10150592761673654_316609358653_8804463_550097690_n.jpg This man pretty much nailed it here.

We all wear masks and the time comes when we cannot remove them without removing our own skin. -André Berthiaume [This has to be my most favourite quote/line/truth ever.]

I agree!! The Intj i know has to be the best person I know!! THE BEST! She is polite, kind, considerate, clever and in the two years I have known her we've never had one single argument. Our...

One can manage, yes. But I think we kid ourselves when we say we are friends with our exes. What you used to be will keep coming back to you and your expectation from them will be different from what...

For Jane: With All the Love I Had, Which Was Not Enough: I pick up the skirt, I pick up the sparkling beads in black, this thing that moved once around flesh, and I call God a liar, I...

browneyes94 I am glad it helped you. :happy: Breakups are difficult to deal with but they have good in them too. You grow as a person and you learn to accept and cope. Unhappiness isn't a bad...

TheMadSwede very. Hardly gets you anywhere but sure as hell gives you nice feelings! :happy:

This might sound harsh and extreme but trust me when I say it works. Remind yourself that the person you knew is dead. Your grief at that will be extreme and you'll probably exhaust your sorrow and...

Maugham Michio Kaku Larry Darrell Robert A. Heinlein Matthew Gray Gubler Mata Hari Virginia Woolf Joel Stuti Beethoven

You could try making friends here. Noone knows you here and if they show interest in you, it won't be superficial. and then you can go on and meet them. Make an effort don't let the thing inside you...

I used to support the death penalty and still would cause I want those murdering bitches to die!! :X But honestly a lot of times evidence isn't strong enough and more often than not the wrong...

When I die I shall be content to vanish into nothingness. No show, however good, could conceivably be good for ever.- HL Mencken I'm posting the original letter where this was mentioned...one...

Vampire- you suddenly become beautiful, suck and are still considered awesome!

Oleas maybe I am truly idealistic but I believe love or the first falling in love should be like a dream because as it is to make it last, you'll have to work on it. So the initial feelings really...

Oh I put the poster there actually..maybe it's not coming through. It's 'Prayers for Bobby'. :happy:

Sounds okay enough, the plan. But it is curious you began to find him attractive after he started dating someone else..Do you think it might mean that if he said he was interested and you guys got...

Trees water rain the smell of ink words paper books people poetry violin

Getting my work finished.

I'm not an Nf but I have been afraid to feel quite a few times..when it came to matters of the heart. I was afraid of what the outcome would be. I knew too well that my interest would fade if I...

Hello there LostWorld! :happy: Welcome to the forum!

They are awesome! They are usually my source of good conversation and food for thought. :happy: And they also make for the kind of company I like a lot- interesting, engaging and non-intrusive.

HAhaha this thread made me laugh!   :laughing:  I like Birds too. Creeped the hell out of me though :shocked: http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2673/4119497376_363750d10a.jpg

i had a similar problem when I was trying to type a friend of mine- I knew she was an Ixtj. 's' seemed too contained to fit her and 'n' too critical. But then these two lines in the wiki description...'