'Rave: I successfully negotiated for a higher hourly rate! The job I'm applying for wanted to pay me at the bottom end of their pay scale. I asked for something on the higher end, citing my years of...
Holy necro-post, Batman! 5 years, that's a doozy.
I'm finally moving. For those who don't know, MBTI Enthusiast and I have been in a long-distance relationship (LDR) for 4.5 years now. I leave this weekend, possibly as early as Friday. I'm driving...
Yep, gotta stick to what to you know. :wink:
Zeth? I thought you retired.
I'm not sure that cognitive functions are skills that can be acquired so much as natural inclinations and abilities. I have inferior Ne, and no matter how much effort I sink into it, it'll never...
I like science fiction, especially hard sci-fi. If I can read it without having to go to Wikipedia to read about a concept or phenomenon, it's not hard enough. Within sci-fi, I enjoy cyberpunk and...
No, I don't like traveling. It just feels so draining, not to mention the expense. I like living in my controlled environment, where I speak the language, understand the culture, and know how to...
I enjoyed working a night shift due to having less people around and a generally slower pace, but my sleep was often disrupted during the day for any number of inane reasons. I have trouble...
Sounds like he/she is in an Assistant to the regional manager situation.
Yep. It'd be nice if it was contained in a single topic or forum like every other subject is. I can hear them now: Are you afraid of being confronted with THE TRUTH?!
Sunn All I was doing was pointing out the irony that you see the world as catering to Perceivers, while they see the world as catering to Judgers. That's all.
And yet, the Perceivers you speak off often see this site as an escape from a Judger-run world that tries to control and limit them :wink:
Sometimes I look across the gulf of subforums in PerC (Current Events, Debate, etc.) and I'm tempted to dive in and begin battling the loony ideas of the culturally-marxist, JudeoChristian-hating,...
I think my ideal partner would be a Type 9 ISTJ who's intelligent, sharp, and hardworking, but also humble, kind, and playful. Oh, and she has to be good-looking too. @MBTI Enthusiast :wink:
I'm still figuring it out.
Pro tip: virtually anything that's popular with college-aged kids is either a fad or based on an assumption/falsehood. The flavor of the day now is this bizarre fantasy-world where thousands of years...
That's not at all what I meant. Far from being detached and aloof, we spent every minute we could together; there was instant attraction. What I meant was that it took time to see if it was long-term...
It took me a little while to realize that she was the one. Of course there was that instant, initial attraction, but it took some time to see if there was more than that.
Saw this today: https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/12191943_2501348003253769_1649268206279410512_n.jpg?oh=03c16ce0c68ca79226a868ac917a94ff&oe=56F969D0 I love...
I remembered that we have this new thing called DVR, so I was able to catch the episode tonight. Great job, DaisyChain! I thought it was a bit weird that the guy knew a line from Wicked.
Crap, I missed it too. The evening got away from me. I gather that you did well, so I'll try to catch it tomorrow night! DaisyChain
Are we talking friendship or romantic relationship? INTJ are our MBTI cousins, in my opinion. I get along with them for the most part. I don't see why a relationship shouldn't be possible. It...
Sounds awesome! I'll have to mark my calendar.
I consider myself to be well-aware of my surroundings, especially around other people. I attribute it to my Type Six mentality, constantly looking for and anticipating trouble. I do zone out if my...
Yikes, the necro. This thread is just a few weeks away from being five years old.
I read a lot of hard sci-fi. I have some books from other genres, but Sci-Fi is the only one that's consistently interesting for me. I have a very difficult time with older books, especially if...
Just finished the last story in Engineering Infinity (sci-fi anthology). I was a bit disappointed with how it turned out. As with most anthologies, some stories were great, some were meh, and some...
Good to hear. Did you happen to save your results somehow? If so, are you comfortable posting that here? Sometimes your true type is in the top three, and seeing the full results can paint a more...
ISTJs tend to stick to what's known and aren't quick to embrace change or new things. We're much more likely to simply reinforce preexisting structures, whether they're social norms, family...
kathi, it sounds to me like you are an ISTJ. You may want to look into some of the Enneagram material available on this site. Enneagram focuses more on motivations, fears, and desires than thinking...
Fixed that for you.
Yeah, I'd like to add: don't necro threads. Make a new one or post in the relationships thread.
It hasn't really sunk in yet. I've already boxed up most of my old gear. The whole thing was very anticlimactic :wink:.
I need a better idea of the timeline here to give a better answer, but if you've been seeing each other for a few months, I think by that point you'll know if it'll work or not. MBTI Enthusiast and I...
Rave: I have about one week left in the military. Hard to believe it's been six years already. I worry how I'm going to fit into a civilian population that does not share my values on social,...
This whole site has a heavy anti-SJ bias. My opinion on why that is: a large portion of PerC's population is young and sees SJs as the authority figures in their lives: parents, cops, teachers,...
I'm 6w5. I'm the second eldest of five children (yes, five). I'm also the eldest male son.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LcC00LLJygw Best comment, IMO: i think i can override the master boot record hard disk mainframe with a 0-day legacy data firmware bypass. that way, we can...
D'oh! I must've proofread it 4 times and I still missed one.
You're right, I just feel like I'm tacitly accepting a problem if I walk past it and don't do anything to correct it. Maybe I'm just turning into an old man who thinks the music is crap and that...
An ethical dilemma: As I'm walking from my car to my apartment, a boy (approx 10-12 years old) was walking by with a smartphone in his hand. It was playing what any reasonable person would...
I am absolutely anti-marijuana. I've worked with people that use it and I've been to countries that have low standards (legal and social) when it comes to drug use. I don't want to be around any of...
I've been meaning to start on Asimov's works for a while now. I've only read I, Robot. I wanted to start the Foundation series, but it's surprising hard to find a complete collection (and it's not...
A brief rundown: History/Social Sciences: Aced them. Nothing's easier than memorizing things that already happened. Math- I wasn't very good at math, but I blame that on poor...
Introverted (I) 82% Extraverted (E) 18% Sensing (S) 91% Intuitive (N) 9% Thinking (T) 80% Feeling (F) 20%
Joke's on them, I'm quitting in less than 10 months :wink:
Rave: Finally have a weekend off! Rant: The harder I work, the more work is given to me :dry: Not in a toot-my-own-horn way, just in a reality of modern management kinda way.
More double-posting. Please don't repeat a post unless you have new information or insights to give.
Knowing my luck, it'll probably be an INTP 4w5 and an ENFP 7w8 or something like that :wink:'