'Thread derailment: successful. smh
As a 2, you don't speak for me and planetanarchy didn't demonize anyone.
Well? :tongue:
So I saw a thread that said this: And what followed was a lot of people saying they had similar, negative experiences with ISTJs in relationships. I'm pretty good at failing relationships, but...
I'm ISTJ and I feel your pain. I wouldn't want to marry me either.
The same thing Freddie Gray did -- run.
Draumande Romvesen You can also report/flag his blog to whatever company hosts it. Every company has Terms of Service that all users must agree to in order to use their site. This creates a legal...
Based on your OP, it sounded like you want to have kids to avoid having an awkward conversation with third parties or being 'demonized' by your parents. To me, that isn't a serious/good reason to...
So someone you're texting does't want to make a baby with you. Is that... bad?
This line made me think of this :happy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19ZxJVnM5Gs How'd the speech go Gossip Goat?
Maybe because the planning side in us makes us more conservative/pessimistic? I think stone100674's last paragraph says a lot.
planetanarchy check out justcritic's sig :th_blush: 296266
planetanarchy This ^
Welcome. I learned the hard way that lurkers are no joke. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ReBCuS4q4E :tongue:
This really is the best way to handle these feelings but it doesn't come naturally to me either. I think whenever you're doing public speaking, try to remember the following. 1. You Are Your Own...
planetanarchy :tongue:
Anti-smoking it, pro-decriminalizing it.
Results I got from a masculinity/feminity test I found on this forum http://personalitycafe.com/myers-briggs-forum/485330-mbti-type-gender-roles-test.html 52.5 / 100 masculine points 62.281 / 100...
Like planetanarchy said, don't wait, do charm. What exactly are you going to ask in the song?
52.5 / 100 masculine points 62.281 / 100 feminine points 51.667 / 100 androgynous points So I guess I'm the middle of the road between male, female, and neutral? :laughing:
I picked history because it was the only subject that interested me enough not to fail/drop out. My future career hates my adolescent student self. :laughing:
I'll pay the Center for Disease Control or the National Institute of Health to do a study on me and the results will be published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal. ;)
Welcome. I'm curious, what is a cis male... as opposed to a male?
Welcome. Gravity Falls >>> :happy:
Thanks. :happy:
Well, I'm kind of a typing system n00b but from what I gather ISTJ is more about your cognitive aspect and enneagram is about your inner/emotional world, so it's hard for me to respond to your...
Thanks for the welcome, comrades. :happy: baby blue me, what question is that?
You set the boundary, so stick with it. Be firm but clear that the door to her is open as long as she respects your boundaries, your wife, your marriage, and your wife's family. If you want her...
Hi everyone, I need to get my post count to 15 so I can post a URL in another thread so here I am. :tongue:
Welcome. :happy:'