'I'm a Quaker because I was raised a Quaker. I went through a period in my life where I looked at other religions, and I found plenty of things that either didn't make sense, or that I just didn't...
Now this, this is my kind of thread. - What Genres do you like to play/release stress playing? I play a lot of 1-on-1 fighters (Soul Calibur, Tekken, Mortal Kombat, Dead or Alive, nothing 2D...
I'm in the same boat as @thankxxyou. I've only been in one relationship, but in my case, even though it ended sour, she and I worked things out and remained good friends. I haven't gotten rid...
Handmade gifts are awesome, especially if the amount of work shows. I'll say the same thing I say with all gift related questions though, it's almost impossible to go wrong with food. It's useful...
Rant: Yesterday was insane. I had an almost road rage moment when I was trying to park. The lot was full, it always is because the school has a chronic shortage of spots. I waited for this woman...
I think we had this conversation a while back, or it was similar. I believe the conclusion we came to was that we were renaming ourselves as something that had to do with robots and being totally...
I just lost a piece of popsicle. It was delicious mango. I can't find it. It's just- nowhere. Gone. I know, logically, that it can't be gone though. So that leaves two options. 1. An...
Rant: Today is so boring. Rave: I did finish a new project though! It's 4 views of the same piece, before and after blooming, with 15 blue and 15 yellow units.
http://www.reactiongifs.com/wp-content/gallery/no/tracey-morgan-nope.gif Can you even imagine what they'd do without us, though?
Rave: So, I have this dramatic friend. I totally decimated her today. It was awesome. Why? Why, kuropuu, would you ever take pride in upsetting another person!? Because she was being a total...
This sounds startlingly familiar, and as much as I hate to get emotional, I can understand where you're coming from. My best advice would be to find an outlet. I turned back to my hobbies and after...
I suck at it. I have to keep checking the clock constantly. I tend to drastically overestimate things and wind up with time to kill.
I don't ever feel/think a certain way about an entire group of people. It's rude and causes bias before you even know a person. To me, this is like asking what white women think about black men;...
Oh gosh. This is a great thread. My favorite compliment would have to be Yeah, she's the smartest idiot I know. It was a legitimate compliment. I like to act really dull around groups because...
I read just like that. I don't picture things, but- I don't know, it's like if it's written well enough, the words themselves are magical. I figure it has something to do with my auditory over...
Family was the biggest part of my issue too, and eventually I was like no, this is crap. After you finally really get that voice, it's absolutely liberating. (Side note: I'll be honest, I was kind...
I was sitting in the living room, contemplating stuff, when I had this awesome idea. Why don't we just make three-legged chairs? It would save so much material if we stopped making four-legged...
Gawd, it's been so long since I was in here. You'd think since I have so many pictures of myself I'd be here more often, but no. I'm too busy with things like Diablo. Which brings me to my...
I used to have that problem, until I finally started recognizing it for what it is (a problem) and stopped making excuses for the people that were taking advantage of me, not that I think you're...
Word: Compassion (Though JUSTICE was a close second.) Symbol: http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj251/DJ_RAW/Yin__Yang.gif And I know how generic it is, but I love the principle.
Oh my gosh, but I have so many. I'll try to cut it down. 1. Que sera sera. After so much crap gets thrown at you, and there's nothing you can do about it, eventually you just have to understand...
I become... a tree. Trees are strong! Trees are mighty and rigid! Trees are easily defeated with a chainsaw! But seriously though, trees are also notoriously bad about talking to people.
Dude, dude, we're back to this thread and no one told me? For shame. I secretly love children's picture books. When I'm sitting in a doctor's office and I have a choice between 1 Fish, 2 Fish,...
:) I've been told more than a few times that I must have wonderful amounts of patience, and I do, but really, I think most of it is just sheer determination. I decided to do it, and then I did.
Rant: I have this friend who's texting me all the time. He really likes me. I'm just not that into him, and I have made that incredibly clear. He ends every sentence like this... Like he's always...
Oh my gosh, everyone knows that kuropuu can't resist these, no matter how many days old they might be. 1. If you could anthropomorphize yourself into an animal, would animal would represent you?...
I literally laughed out loud. Anyway, in all actuality, most of the things mentioned here don't bother me. The misuse of words just rolls off of me; I chuckle about it and move on. There are...
You didn't like it when it was my avatar! Gawd. (I kid, I kid. But seriously, Ginchiyo Tachibana is the stuff.) Anyway, on to business! Rave: I finally have as many Tour de France medals as...
I was at an anime convention this weekend. I felt like I was the odd one out because I wasn't nerdy enough. I belong at Comic-Con. I'd be a queen there.
I love everything about myself because I'm SO SO SO AWESOME. /kuropuu
WHAT. WHAT. WHAT. Why didn't I hear about this earlier!? Assuming I'm even reading that right.
[https://i.chzbgr.com/completestore/12/8/20/fqixa3Gq1kiTkMLmvNKIzg2.gif This is the best rage .gif I've seen in AGES. There's a little bit of language, even though it's vaguely censored.
Oooh, lots of fun stuff going on in here. In regards to being afraid of wolves, I don't get it, but it's more a location thing I guess. We've always had wolves and coyotes and they're constantly...
I'd post a video, but it's the ENTIRE ARTIST. Enya. You know what gets that out of your head? Only time.
I've done some looking in to learning styles, and I'm 100% sure I'm A>V>K. The story tends to go that if I hear it, I know it, and so on and so forth. So yeah, I'm the odd one out. (I kid, I kid.)
http://chzmemebase.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/internet-memes-too-literal.jpg I get very upset when this thread isn't first page. This thread should always be first page. Always.
I vote that this should become either a., a group project (because we are an army of totally invincible robots), b., some sort of nomination process, or c., a combination of the two, as in we hold a...
I am disappoint. I thought there was going to be a classier finish. Maybe an actual picture of a spoiler or something like Soylent Green is people! But no. I get nothing. Nothing!!!u200b
I was driving with my grandmother one afternoon a few years ago, I was probably 14 (and don't worry, this story actually does have a purpose) and it was a very pivotal time in my life. Things have...
Rant: My church did VBS last week, and the more time I spent around these kids, the more jealous of them I became. Their most important problems are things like she has more crayons than I do and...
I may or may not have posted this one before, and it's relatively old, but still, it applies today. Dear Optimist & Pessimist, while you were arguing about whether the glass is half-empty or...
Ah damn, you caught me. More random note however, if you rearrange the letters in Douglas, you get USA Gold. You know who else had a rearranged name, right? Voldemort. I'm on to you, Gabby...
We're so alike. I have a very similar version of that conversation constantly. Other person: You're wrong. Me: No, I'm right. I'm always right. Other person: But I know that you're...
I'm pretty sure it's because I haven't been around as much. Things to go awfully 'cray-cray' when there's not an ISTJ in the roo- Oh. Wait. That doesn't apply here.
Dammit. You took my answer. Anyway, who I am. I'm- Well, this is a really hard question to answer. It reminds me of a time someone asked me what I wanted (out of a relationship) and I had no...
Rave: Diablo 3 is finally dealing with the 'rubberbanding' issue. Also, I played my first multiplayer game today! Albeit it was with a buddy of mine. That's still a big step for me though. I...
(Just skip to the bottom for a summary.) I really didn't fit in anywhere. The D&D guys were constantly trying to get me involved, but I wanted nothing to do with it. I was too smart for the...
Rant/Rave: I came to better understanding of how competitive I am today. It's not everything, just the things I know I'm good at. I get insanely bad about it. I'm not talking bad sportsmanship,...'