'The Decline of the West by Oswald Spengler.
Silent Hill 2. I can only bow down to the amount of symbolism and references that have piled upon this little gem. If you had an intersection between Crime and Punishment St, Jacob's Ladder Dr. and...
It goes without saying that appearances and possessions will define you as an individual in the eyes of the general population, as opposed to your character and actions. There used to be a time...
I haven't started yet. I can see how driving can be useful but I don't feel any urge either.
Spikes by Death Grips.
Incoherent monologue regarding the meaning of life.
Skypeing with and old time friend.
I guess I'll be around 35 or so.
Arabellagator, Briano, cool, gasd342, Rebelgoatalliance, SJWDefener, SuperYoshi Not exactly 10.
A ripe banana.
I'm just wondering how come I end up waking after only 3 to 4 hours of sleep.
To be fair I've only wanted to be invested in a long term relationship, I despise anything that come close to casual sex, rebounds, hookups and the like. As adults, people should truly be aware of...
lensflaresandloveaffairs.tumblr.com is now defunct.
Silicon Valley.
I truly enjoy travelling, there's something exciting to me about the thought of getting lost in a remote place so that's why I always do my best to not rely on public transportation or taxi and walk...
The Comedy - 2012 The humoristic approach in it is just perfect.
Équipage from Hermès. Narcisco Rodriguez for her.
My adolescence, to be honest.
The act of buying, in this case, would be quite ironic.
I've been wearing them since I was 8 or so. Luckily for me, this past decade my sight hasn't worsen.
I'd probably have to rely on the Interet for that considering that a full-time job coupled with commuting represent the most of my waking life and that I don't feel like going out on weekends....
I simply have no desire to do so, I've always done my best to not take on responsibilities so I probably won't move out before another decade.
You could shave off up to 7 years from my actual age. I can't grow a full beard yet.
Absolutely, especially for thumbing up and airquoting.
I'm currently watching Angel Cop, just finished episode 2.
Pretty much. I never felt like jumping through a series of hoops, relations that never started naturally simply weren't meant to be and I like it that way.
Integrity, I can't think of a second one.
Honestly, i don't necessarily believe that being feminine has to do with your taste in food, hobbies or music at least not exclusively. I'd say it has more to do with the way you behave and act...
I don't necessarily mind the rain, I find it rather soothing and streets aren't as busy as they use to be.
-Becoming self-sufficient -Travel the world on foot for half a year or so -Polishing my language skills
http://i.imgur.com/TOJrOLF.jpg I finished this piece a few days back.
Yes. One blog for screencaps and holiday pictures, the other for reblogs.
I'm playing the regular one, FES seemed even more appealing but clearly wasn't in my price range.
I've just got started with Persona 3 and I'm slowly getting why some would prefer it over Persona 4.
I'm slowly getting back to illustration, the lat sleeve I designed was rather well received. The next step will be to come up with a logo for a music label.
Always. I just don't like the idea of being interrupted.
I'm currently munching on a ballpoint pen.
Apparently eating spicy food is beneficial to my well-being.
It appears obvious to me that God (or whatever you want to call Him) exist. The thing is that I'm not ready to invest myself completely religiously speaking. It's probably better than treating...
>What are ISTP men like in relationships? I guess that like most people we only enter a relationship if we're positive about its outcome. The ideal relationship would allow you and your partner to...
>How would you respond if someone asked, What's on your mind? Most of the time, I'd answer: Nothing special to spare me the trouble of going into details, because I assume not many people would...
I've never undergone therapy mostly because I always believed that being this way was simply being myself. The key to me is to learn how to deal with it, that's probably the toughest way to build...
I'd build a location akin to a bunker and spend the rest of my days living as a hermit.'