'Can I please have my account retired? It's time. Thanks.
Gee, it's much more different here from the last time I participated.
That gave me a good chuckle. I doubt he'd be caught dead there though lol.
Hardly. But knowing if a situation is pretty temporary and I know where the endzone is helps. It also helps when I'm not dealing with anything that's very emotionally charged as it is, and I know why...
Ugh. I seriously have to confront all those feelings that I normally dismiss or suppress, don't I? Because that's not entirely working out very well for me... But I really don't want to.
I've never been wholly certain about wanting to be a pilot for a career, but it's one of those careers that has been sitting in the back of my mind for a long time. I definitely want the license...
.... Adult Pixar would be the BEST. That amazing thought has never crossed my mind :O Family friendly does ruin everything. More often than not it can't be taken nearly as seriously, even in the...
I wanted any job that would get me rich lol. Then I decided architect from third grade till one month into my last year of high school. Had no clue what to do and resigned myself to going to art...
Absolutely loved Deadpool. Marvel needs to do more tv shows/movies for adults. SO much better than the more family friendly ones.
That is exactly it, sir. You know exactly the where and the why of the trap :laughing: And you said my thoughts exactly. I know you weren't trying to get a debate going (and surely if you...
Not that I know of. I liked having her around here.
Oh shit, it's already almost 4am again. I really need to fix my sleeping habits LOL. And I need to get my shit together for my portfolio and written pieces for my university program application....
I'm not kidding. Maybe it is a sensor/non-sensor thing... At least for me, I don't find things like knowing the differences in taste or texture all that difficult - they're things I just notice...
Yep, most that article was relatable and by no means unfamiliar. I think I'm slightly more amused by the fact that this was posted here instead of the trap though LOL
Practice. That's seriously it. And try learning to find sensory things to enjoy about different foods as well as the difference in quality between the same foods... And eat better quality food. Learn...
Written test is easy. Even easier the second time I wrote it after my G2 expired last summer because that test changed a lot since the first time I wrote it (5.5 years ago). G1 exit test was also...
Usually sleep on my back, but wind up switching to prone and fetal (which side depends on whether I'm on a couch or bed, and if on a bed, if it is adjacent to a wall on the left or right). Where...
Both my parents are Haitian, so there's inherent mixing - granted nobody in my family has any idea how much of what: some kind of African very far back, French somewhere, maybe Native islanders...
I was weird about some of the questions, but in order: 1st test - spatial - kinesthetic - intrapersonal 2nd test - intrapersonal - spatial
Yellow I find is fine in smaller doses. And on sports cars. Otherwise, it's visually a highly aggressive color (which is also known to actually make people aggressive), and certain kinds of yellow...
Me: *Introduces my full first name (after a lifetime worth of it getting butchered I now mostly introduce myself with half my name because that way it's only half as long and sounds more English -...
I'm hungry. Both kinds of hungry.
The binge watching of this show... Too good.
I'm just over 3 hours late, but: Happy New Years bitches.
This was made much harder than it ever needed to be. Everyone buys their own food and keeps it in separate areas of the fridge and wherever else you store food. Problem solved. Or at the very least,...
- pay off all my debts - continue going to school and establishing a career - buy myself a nice house with a studio and other customizations, and some other properties elsewhere - give my parents...
I distract the shit out of myself with projects, exercise, video games, the internet, or my friends. Other times I'll go do something to get the adrenaline flowing even if it may seem...
It's so great because the person who invited you can't even be mad you didn't show. You committed to nothing in the first place hahahaha. As long as it's not overused, it's pretty much a get out of...
I'm not flaky and I don't enjoy people who flake on plans the day of or the last minute, or worse, flake within the day of while being a huge piece of work to plan when hang out with in the first...
I spoke to her. Seeing the way things have been going the past few days talking about it, I find it's become far more apparent than before (even though I knew there's been strain for the past 3...
After a month of my best friend (highly suspected INFJ) and I not speaking after a fight, I think it's time to get some dialogue going. Not only because despite my pride I want to, but because I know...
Thank you!
That statement would be true!
435321 Honestly, I want to shove at least 3 burgers down my throat right now but I think I'll be going to bed instead. I'll even skip my little semi-ritual of doing some before-bed pushups. Yeah....
- typical social stuff: shyness, public speaking, being around large groups of people and not knowing many/any of them, initiating conversations with people I don't know for small talk, etc. -...
Definitely. Especially if I'm bored and/or the boundaries in question seem stupid to me.
Same with me! Proved it to myself once by drinking 3 red bulls in one sitting, which didn't do squat. If I need to stay awake I'm reduced to using my own willpower while everyone else happily chugs...
Thanks, you're a cool one too. Side thought, I find entp's generally enjoyable. I find it weird that I'm not friends with any irl... Weirder that I don't think I know any irl.
As it turns out, no matter how hungry I am, eating half a dozen eggs in nearly one sitting is by far a bad idea. Lesson learned.
I don't know what it is, but there's something that's incredibly satisfying about owning new underwear in all its varieties.
This is one of those reasons I couldn't stand my art classes, and especially my art history classes.
I enjoyed my 4 months in British Columbia. Day three of being back in the Toronto area readjusting to being home again. Please send me back. The mountain and western Canada withdrawal is real.
I like a variety of foods, but I'm also a VERY picky eater so I won't be surprised if my post winds up being long haha. Not only am I picky about taste, I'm picky about texture which tends to matter...
It can be a host of things: - I've sort of noticed that there seem to be roughly three types of ISTP's. The do awesome physical shit ISTP's, the super nerdy ISTP's, and every other kind of ISTP...
I'm still trying to process this. I understand the situation rationally despite how stupid it is. But it's weird, and I'm not entirely sure of how I feel right now. What I do know though, is that I'm...
Dear XXXX, I'm sorry I doubted you. I did overthink a lot of the little changes I noticed and worried that I had finally been compromised because honestly, I knew the entire time how likely it was...
Nyooooope. Hailfire don't sing... At least not in the presence of others, but I still don't do it much at all when I'm certain no one's within earshot. Hailfire don't dance. I feel awkward af....
I know there are a few reasons for this thing dissolving - but there was no need to make things awkward and start being all avoidant and shit. On some level I get it and I know I'm partly responsible...
366506 Me, ~3 months ago, in the pool at the resort where I work this summer. Those background mountains no longer have that snow on them for the season as of ~2 months ago.'