You're a tenter
If you just had both. A speech from the devil needs evidence, but no matter what evidence you'ld give me. I know better and its not good. Its time for change
Welcome to the forums. I am quite sure, you'll find some answers to what you seek here.
Next step is Hitler^^
actually I never read it. I seldom read things. I more like books with pictures. Is it a good read ?
yes 8 yes, 2 question sucked, 0 no not bad :)
Welcome to the forums
needless and ink ? Nah
Dear beer, to you !
I dont think you give off bad vibes, you are just more into speculation.
You need to put the mirror in front of you so that you dont can assume what you see would be your ass :)
If the mirror is behind you, then how ? And dont say magic !
I know what you mean
A confession is releasing the guilt after a decision. See the problem ?
What makes you angry, the constant failure ?
ve hihihihi
stargazing grasshopper Real overstatement you dont need to showoff, its naturally on the inside :)
Hi Kate, I share your taste in music. Have fun on the forums http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fO-ciMzKqHc
Maybe you should write in on a wall, if the paper cant stand it
40 mph on a crate of beer :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Fqpp-IAXF0
Ah what I am envious of apes !
It did now ;)
At the end of the journey its all a matter of how much you get to know yourself. Then you can use your powers to do good and wont be in doubt no more. You have taken the first steps :)
Glad I always have one in my pocket :)
Ha, you again ! :)
I am a masterbrainer remembering tasks, promises and the red line, but yesterday that's just darkness
In case of emergency, do it like next level cat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjQPeyKkHj4
I tend to indulge myself, especially when I am unhappy. Two yrs ago, I was unhappy in a relationship and had about 250 pounds. One year later I was down to 175 pounds after the breakup. So when I...
The wisest of em all
Moin Moin, keine Drogen als Künstler ? Ich bin enttäuscht ;) Have fun on the forums
Hmm I gave the question some thought, finally came up with this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32-OXlqb_t0
An avoidance of thinking is always good, just do it :)
There was a time I got thrilled by high-maintenance woman. Tho this one was an unhealthy isfp, who changed her opinion like a magnet direction on the north pole. She loved me for my unwaving...
Dad: istp Mom: isfj
I am quite sure noone could beat the age of my deviant account. Content tho wasn't really my strength :) tfa (.. is smokeable) on deviantART
It's always dependant on your own world of stereotypes. An example question like Can NTs be stupid is the downfall of all mbti theory in my eyes. Cause with that it becomes uncertain.
One think that could help is looking into his socionics quadra. ESTJ tend to be very delta, while ESTP very beta. Then the difference should become clear. It may be a mix of theories but I dont care....
Oh loved laplace transforms. When you were able to see how you can build a car with systems control engineering all math became clear suddenly :D
How about inventing a new type and go for xntp or do you want to be clearly categroized ? ;)
Rivulet Sounds in my experience more like ESTJ. I have seen ESTJs act under stress, they keep on pushing harder and find a better solution for the same problem under stress. They develop some kind...
F types tend to see thru all the T bullshit and get you as a person. I have an isfp friend, I can talk bullshit to all day long. We switch topics and if you'd record the discussion, you'd think you...
That's what Fi is for, perfect feeling in alignment with time and space. You get a feeling for how long things do last, including travelling times in between dates, chit-chat and sudden attacks of...
Congratulations you are the Dad
intps are cool, live-and-let-live people you can have a lot of fun with. Gotta respect a bit their lower energy. I know a lot of intps from University and I am still better in math, cause they think...
Speaks in riddles
I'd never avoid geminis :shocked:'