
Explorers ISTP

Bold and practical experimenters, masters of all kinds of tools.

'Nope, 21. So I guess Puma was kinda right

Time to bump up an old thread :D Guess my age? 135449

https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/t31.0-8/1519173_684541898263153_1097624371_o.jpg click for originally sized .png: http://bit.ly/1gr7vZe (2560x1080)

What are you doing? Hey <name>, doing <thing i'm doing>? Because I said so When people ask me stuff I obviously don't know either. After explaining something thouroughly: I don't...

Ever since I first heard the short version of it in 1999, I loved it. I was a 7 year old kid, not really into music then. Today I like almost every style of music in its own way. Though I never...



http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1--zoywc9-Y http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhFFJgmhnIs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhbuQM-bRuU

I don't think this is what others might call the best album but it surely is for me. Although I haven't yet played the game much, I do know the story around it, and this soundtrack really fits it....

I mostely listen to electronic music: dnb, electro house, trance, hardtrance, progressive house. Not really the popular stuff. I also like rock music, leaning towards hardrock, punk and metal. I...


in the driver's seat /thread :)

Boo! 88067

I don't know if he's actually been named here but one that may fit the ISTP description ideally would be Kimi Raikkonen. Just watch the interviews, you'll know exactly what I mean. ...

Math class? I am exempt from math class this course year ;D

https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/1244180_594982627219081_170769961_o.jpg Summer vacation. Yes, wearing my mom's sunglasses and my sister's hat :kitteh:

Jason Bourne James Bond (As played by Daniel Craig) Lara Croft

Got bored an sketched my friend's car at a university party while being a bit tipsy :P (we had to wait for something)  https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/25385141/images/own%20photos/DSC_0024.jpg

Right now I have this playlist on while studying a bit. Don't know why, but it makes everything you do more epic. https://www.extrememusic.com/#album/2395

Right now I'm listening to a mix I've made. At the moment 'Deadmau5 - Closer' is playing, but 'Strobe' can kick in any moment now ;)

As a first guess, I would say 23.

9w1 seems possible. I'm not too familiar with the different types yet.

take it easy, estp, no need to harshly jump in on a topic

I sometimes like to wrap myself in towels, lie on the floor, and pretend I'm a sock

2.50 AM and fully awake. Eating sandwiches but my hunger doesn't really seem to go away


People often estimate me 18-19, though I am 21. It has always been that way. The reasons I think are that I was born 2 months early, have no addictions to whatever, avoid things that cause stress and...

Not really the answer you were looking for, but last night I dreamt that I was about to do some groceries with a friend of me. Then on the parking lot of the supermarket I saw a man beating his kids...

Ye, harder than usual, face it, I don't give a ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtGBzw7p1U8

You ,ENFP, are somewhat 'overly present' since you started posting in this thread.

The traits I have from being an ISTP combined with ambiversion. Cant be bothered to explain right now ;p

S and P

You know an ISTP is interested in you when they open up and start to feel the need to share their feelings.

another slightly crazy type, ENTP

Any type of music helps me sleep when I'm in bed. Even the weirdest, hardest stuff ;)

oooh can't wait to get my license :D

This, very much me And most definitely this I don't have much more to add to this, seems kinda obvious to me :P

People tend to describe me as a friendly, nice and easy guy. That is also most people's first impression of me. My gf calls me a badboy, but a sweet badboy. :wink:

Loopy Strings dunno why, but it was the first thing that came into my mind

This happens to be playing in my list right now: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjRk-_R4HuY

So this is what my other side is all about? :P Seems quite possible, as I do recognize a lot of these things

Heyy here's me: 724207242172422 And ofc. my avatar

OP, I could stare at your avatar for hours, so hypnotizing :confused:

honestly, liars can go f** themselves There's no use in lying. The truth will appear eventually. Especially in interviews. I really don't see why you should lie there

- This - Fast reflexes and insanely accurate hand-eye coordination I realized that after I noticed that I nearly always catch things I drop before they even hit the ground. Also when looking...

How hard can it be? -Jeremy Clarkson

The map is hiding from me, it doesn't work Edit: it works again'