
Explorers ISTP

Bold and practical experimenters, masters of all kinds of tools.

Total and awesome accident, I just got bored and decided to take a random personality test on the web and voila I got ISTP. Which was totally spot on and ever since I read that description I have...

Hahahah that was what I have been doing every second of my life so far, I hate boredom! Istp sevens ftw!

I don't know, me personally wouldn't mind taking something I found for instance because it is something that the owner would have already considered was as lost. Or stealing something (test answers)...

I think he means what he said, he kind of needs to see what else he is missing out on before he gets too old or too attached to you. However personally I tend to miss people after being with them for...

portable homemade self pump air guns! You can shoot anything that fits in the barrel with 120 psi of pressure. Marbles, metal bb buck shot, arrows, rocks, lead, nail darts, AA bateries and anything...

I think this thread is over...

I think I have finally decided what to do. This kind of thing is not new to this girl, before me she had two other friend zoned guys feeding her ego (which ended badly). I think she wanted me to be...

win-win situation? hahaha

I smile a lot too, but my parents didn't do that to me. I just learned that its better to just appear friendly to everybody, you get more things in life. However if someone is trying to shit on you,...

You probably are being paranoid! If he is an Xstp and hasn't made a move yet, you are clear. The ENFP girl I like is also really paranoid, but then again she had second thoughts about me liking her...

Hahaha this stuff is old news, I already apologized and sort of made up. I know I was the asshole because the moment she brought her gay friend to hang out, I started simmering inside but I acted...

Hahaha it's all cool now, we are friends again. I overreacted and apologized for everything quite promptly. I didn't do anything mean to her or anything crazy. I realized I don't really mind that she...

I'm debating whether I even care enough to do this, she is cool but her friends annoy me. I don't want to hang out with a gay guy that a looks like Bruno. Maybe it isn't all that bad, having her as...

Ok so I apologized and made amends yesterday. I didn't do anything crazy or wild, I made her believe that I just wanted to be friends and that I would fix it over time. We talked for a bit more. I'm...

I guess its over then, but I still want to mess with her.

I want to do this this, to show that I don't want to be just friends, and also to apologize for the fight. We had a fight because I told her that I found everything we have done together boring and I...

I made the mistake of of hanging out with her too much. ATM I really care for her. She emotionally opened me up and got me too attached. She had me shopping with her and her homosexual friend. FUCK...

I'm not as shy, I am almost an ESTP when it comes to pursing a girl

AHAHAHAHA the asking her friend-zoned guys thing totally backfired. Apparently her friend was over hearing my conversation and told everything to her! I saw her this morning in the library, she was...

So I was talking talking to some of the guys I know who were friend-zoned by this ENFP for advice on how to be with her. It seems like everything she has told me in just a few days days she has told...

Wow, I just had a great first whatever (date?) with this ENFP girl I know and like. It was like an accidental double date, she invited me to hang out with her and her friend for Saturday night. Turns...

I guess i'll be the one to break the combo. I'm still in high school and I honestly don't work very much, I am a major procastinator. I have managed to get a C+ to A range in my classes, averaging...

Wow holy crap! Some of your stories are making me feel better. I always felt a little weird talking to strange new people however now I welcome it. I used to feel self-conscious but I fixed that by...

I flirt all the time at school because its way more fun than actually doing work. I see it as a skill that I am trying to develop, see how far I can go with a girl personally even if i'm not...

my good friend is an ESTP, he is like my hook up to all the best parties.

I'm usually pretty stable. You could try the teenager method... not give a fuck for the moment and then go off on your own, to run, swim, bike, climb or smoke weed. (excersise works best though)...

Nope, but I like seeing all of the happy birthday post on my fb wall from friends. That kind of cheers me up, especially form people i havent seen in a while.

Im not a girl, but since I am still in high school, i can relate to the not being in a clique part. A few close friends, and then a bunch from different groups. I talk to whoever i feel like talking...

kkkkk i know what you are talking about, like i said i have done some homework. Girls like to be challenged and treated with confidence. I have definitely have grown bigger balls in the last half a...

HahahahahaHAHha omg the one liners :D

im actually pretty talkative though, im more extroverted than other istp friends i know. maybe cause my bestfriend is estp and i tend to like taking risks.

Ah whatevs, maybe I should try the Risky Business approach. Hahahahahah

hahahahahahahaha really? that is a totally plausible option too. But really, i do triathlons, should i settle for someone who doesnt even like walking through the park?

LOL ok i guess i wont bullshit, but isnt it kind of ovbious?? I guess my question is how do istp's get laid? Like Ryan Gosling style in any movie he is in or the Clint Eastwood style in any movie he...

To care for someone with everything i have got, to trust someone with my secrets and to be physically intimate with that person. I had a fling that lasted for a week with a girl that came to visit my...

thats what i was thinking, but i wanted to be a bit more proactive... Let the women choose us.

the ninja me http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/218081_10150163975539011_787399010_6805567_228488_n.jpg the normal me...

nope :Poker face

hmm another type 7... cool

17, am I too young or something?

That sounds like a plan. Stay goofy for longer, check. I think I tend to over analyze and fantasize about everything in this area and thus raise my own interest in them too quickly, which seems to...

LOLOLOLOL here is switzerland (im american) drinking age is 16 and im 17. That is what i do on friday nights, I have alot of friends when i go out thanks to an ESTP friend who hooked me up. Thanks...

This is my rant, read if you are bored enough... Lol well i'm trying to get a damn relationship started, cause i'm feeling bored and unsatisfied with my school (jail):angry:. It's my personal...

i actually smile alot, if i dont have one then im thinking or doing something that bores me. I think it has to do something with my type 7. idk about you all but im pretty happy

just turned 17, Switzerland

omg lol i made my own ghille suit, when i lived in hong kong... no when i crack jokes i usually have a smirk. I smile alot.

thats pretty damn accurate, but i would add if he spends a lot more time with you than other girls, thats a big sign. If he chats you up on facebook or texts you, thats another really good sign (i...

dude holy crap, my mom is ENTJ and she bugs the crap out of me, I usually deal with her by being passive (pretend to do what they want) and never really talking to her. She is always bugging me about...

awhh coool another ISTP 7w6, yeah we definitively are way more extroverted than what the others are describing. People know me as the ninja prankster is who is always cracking jokes and never does...

oh right yeah thats glenn...lollololol Yeah daryll is a badASS, I think he is ESTP though