'When you're more likely to express irritability than happiness.
Try re-asking that as would a person get back together with an ex?. The answer is still maybe, but you're a bit closer to the truth.
You put all your cigarettes out on your own body.
I did the survey. Are you going to be posting your findings?
Extraverts use energy and introverts conserve energy. One manifestation of that is extroverts being fidgetty or physically antsy.
Nay, scores of them.
I don't really care.
You just gotta tell her to sit on your finger, man. Girls love that.
I'd make a thread on a typology forum to field suggestions.
That's not spontaneity.
The ones that have developed Se are.
Fuck, got me.
Oh gawd. Another INTJ with a wolf avatar.
I don't really take anyone's typings on here seriously.
They probably clench their jaws and get fidgetty until they've found something to distract themselves from being in work-mode.
Shit. Didn't see one on the member list last time I checked.
They get good air when fired from a cannon.
They are certainly better at pushing buttons and manipulating people. Comes with their territory.
God bless America, land of the free.
Calm down, Spock. Learn to recognize that sometimes people do things without a logical reason. You don't need to justify your choices to anyone beyond a simple I felt like doing it, which is...
OP, go read about Socionics. Specifically intertype relations.
I don't think any type is more rare than another. I've never found intuitive and introvert types to be rare.
A few things: Non-consensual video and audio recordings are not admissible as evidence in a court of law. People can record you. They're probably not. People are quite socially awkward these...
I've told girls with shitty boyfriends to leave them, but not with any intention of actually dating said girls. Just not worth the hassle. Relationships can be tumultuous as it is, no use putting...
The delicious salt.
EDIT: Doubla post.
How does it feel to be so wrongu200b about something?
To take a grossly simplistic approach, I think the fact that you were given a huge table with points outlining strengths and weaknesses, doubts and so on of each type and read it and yet still asked...
Am I able to have mine shortened to Narc?
Fries with no salt.
Socionics :: Logic / Ethics
Do you think there's a connection between feeling preference in males and gender conflict/displacement?
I knew everyone, but didn't really like them. All my report cards said I was quiet, needed to pay more attention and that I showed great potential. Year after year.
Strong fly spray.
What he said.
You are not a super cool unique individual just because you gave fence-sitting answers to an uncertified online test.
These are the droids you're looking for.
Wait until your kid is in their 20s before you try typing them.
No, it's particularly vivid and abstract. I'm very much a visually-orientated person.
Working towards getting a prestigious job with clout and rank as dictated by society so I can position myself in a way that minimises my dealings with fickle workers and exposure to their...
The Socionics descriptions of ENTjs are closer to the mark of someone that uses Te and Ni.
I don't judge people on their type at all. I don't feel the need, especially given the massive margin of error in typing.
Ironically, it was an INTP in his late 30s that gave me the most important advice I've ever adopted in life: Just do it. Just get it done.
Typing based on weaknesses instead of strengths. There's no enneagram type that people should be particularly proud of holding, so in theory, it stops people typologically licking their own asses...
Do you prefer those long dumps, or the ones after a big night of drinking where the entire bowel empties in the space of half a second?
Just keep on staring right back.
Holy shit. There's no need to get all Count of Monte Cristo on stuff like this. Just create a situation where you can talk to her and there's enough opportunity that you don't psyche yourself out....
With thermal goggles.
If they like you, they'll either ask you out or cross paths with you and clumsily keep tabs on you in the hopes that one of you will spark up a conversation.'