
Explorers ISTP

Bold and practical experimenters, masters of all kinds of tools.

'Exactlly. The whole point of a hero is not the hero himself, it's having a model to hold up to society as something to strive for. SEE! This is how you are supposed to be!

This is because most of them suck. Don't be alarmed... your reaction is actually the correct one.

My company has an arraignment with me. They pay me just enough so I won't quit, therefore I work just hard enough that they won't fire me.

This is the most important thing for you to remember, for a couple of reasons. 1) If you tell me What we really need is somebody to lead project X during a roundabout small talk involved...

We are friends with a woman that does social work and gives young women talks about it all the time. A large part of it is realistic expectations. She says women go this route thinking they are...

Being an introvert means social interaction costs you mental and emotional energy, and that you require alone time afterwards to recharge. It doesn't mean you are a timid shrinking violet that's...

8-year-old bride dies from internal injuries because of 40-year-old husband - National America Now News | Examiner.com 192554

With actresses you can never be sure... it might be dyed.

What, conspiracy theories like the government monitors, records, and stores forever every phone call you make, or every email, text, or letter you write? For what it's worth, I held a counter...

I love that quote! Paraphrased: She has talent, but doesn't bother to use it. She makes lowest common denominator crap, and the rubes will buy anything if you stuff it in a meat dress and call it...

ISTPs bond through action, not talking. You would be better off finding an activity you could both do together. Personally, that's when I'm most likely to have a meaningful conversation.

Although I wanted the next Doctor to have been Gary Oldman ( and he is rumored to be in serious consideration for the DH movie ) I am glad the finally have an adult to play the Doctor again. I was...

The greatest actor alive today. Gary Oldman.

And maybe this... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpP5lh6Pl6c

Sometimes, PerC reminds me of this... depending on the sub-forum I'm in... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKO9h-gG4Qg

This is the most like PerC when it breaks into the power polka. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAWl5peI8HY


I demand that the innocent remain unmolested.

Social skills are acquired through practice, and most ISTPs make little effort in learning them. That said... just set your auto reply to I'm sorry, I already have other plans and forget about...

My solution for that...   http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e321/DavidWelch/pooh-eeyore.jpg

It can be done. I don't care that much for having my space invaded either. But now I can do crazy PDA stuff... like I'll even hold hands in public. No kidding.

I am afraid that there is a certain class of race-problem solvers who don't want the patient to get well, because as long as the disease holds out they have not only an easy means of making a...

LOL! What's going to happen is in a few days he is going to go back to normal. Forever. And you are going to freak the fuck out.

See, right here is where you start going off the rails.

You didn't work for that company. You worked for the temp agency. Show employed at temp agency from date/date assigned various staffing jobs, etc.

Kids. They keep getting on my lawn.

Yeah, as a feeler this is your first instinct. However, it is exactly the wrong thing to do. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES PLAY NURTURER WITH HIM UNTIL THIS IS RESOLVED. It will only drive him...

This is dead on. Also, though the OP didn't guess what the parents are, I'm going to guess there is probably at least 1 other feeler there too. My wife is an ENFJ, and I was really close to...

LOL! I just wanted to say, when I posted in this thread that I was off my pain meds it meant I was off Morphine, but taking Oxy. I found this post in a search. I have no recollection of it....

I toad a line once, but that would be a long story...

Actually, no. It's mostly just because you are being a douche bag.

It's because training is expensive, and those kind of people get hired, get paid training, and then immediately leave for a a state or national level job. They are just trying not to waste their...

I'm out of it. And I'm drinking green hornets. So after a quick inventory, I'm going to go to the kitchen and make some. This is why being an ISTP rocks. Oh, and that's Creme De Menthe.

Bob Slydell: I'm Bob Slydell and this is my associate, Bob Porter. Peter Gibbons: Oh hi, Bob. Bob. Bob Slydell: Why don't you go ahead and grab a seat and join us for a minute? Bob Slydell: You...

Pass the salt, please. Here you are. Thanks.

QFT, because it's a great answer and I'm too lazy to type all that. The purpose of a phone call is to transfer information. Know what information you want to give me, call me and give it to me,...

The same as I think of most of the other personality types... if you didn't come and force yourself on the ISTP forum I wouldn't think about you at all.

Want the truth? Here's some old guy reality. You probably won't take it. Get the job that provides the best for you. Then do the stuff you enjoy on our own time. The problem is, whatever you...

You could just put on your big girl panties.

Troll much? 1029 posts since January? You need to get a life.

I suppose it's only fitting I find I'm the most irked finding out they let trolls come here from other forums and rank threads in the ISTP forum...

Telecommunications, except we are having layoffs every quarter, and will continue to do so until the economy picks back up and businesses aren't afraid to invest. It might help you get a job...

Awesome!  http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/602461_417027811682983_273734383_n.jpg

I was typed ISTP by testing in the military, and almost always test ISTP on line. But sometimes I think I could be ENFJ, because I'm really such a soft and fuzzy people person.

We don't hate you though. We just ignore you and wait to see if you grow up.

I'm distressed by question #3. Isn't there a way to kill more than just 10 of the rioters?



