
Explorers ISTP

Bold and practical experimenters, masters of all kinds of tools.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HyHNuVaZJ-k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0BDS0-ZwOw

Dear XNXX, Fucking think before you touch anything you know is not yours. Just grabbing something and walking away doesn't make it yours...


https://media.giphy.com/media/3o7ZeL6mKuJSos8cOQ/giphy.gif http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mdno4zganI1r66m5v.gif...

Better if I show you.  https://s18.postimg.org/x2b6srip5/01a.gif

We cannot help you in this. Whatever you did has caused this and no istp other then maybe himself can help you understand. You should just move on in your life and not get hung up on it.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V88dh-iADJo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VA8uaumikU

Well as a toddler I got my first big scar on my upper forehead when I was 3. My parents didn't have the money to go to the hospital so my dad bandaged me up and that was that. I didn't stop taking...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VA8uaumikU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfW4-nP2G1Q

You too absorbed each others time for months and to an istp that means a lot. Not as much as you grew towards him and if he hasn't told you to leave then he my talk with you again. About what, who...

I have many I can call friends, mostly in my younger years like middle school, but I also had a big change in my life during my highschool years with older friends who started in college. Everyone of...

I missed you too. That must be why we never have met before. Also, sorry but going back now means years of back tracking. You understand, right?

http://i.imgur.com/IBSUD.jpg https://www.askideas.com/media/40/I-Didnt-Make-It-To-The-Gym-Today-Funny-Lazy-Meme-Image.jpg...

No. Get to the point already, that's a perfectly happy pencil tip.

When you can't get a word in, in the group when you actually want to talk.  http://cdn4.gurl.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/elaine.gif

1. Gay Marriage (Why not) 2. Abortion (Limited) 3. Concealed Carry (Very Western) 4. Legalization of marijuana (Limit it and see) 5. Death Penalty (Yes for those who are 99.9%-100% known...

That sounds like it really sucks. I to have had a teacher like that during my senior year of high school. She was the worst art teacher I have ever had and I had 5 years of art classes before her. I...

If I messed up and it affected someone else negatively, then I would say it and mean it.

I have had that sense before in acquaintances or friends. For people I don't even know that I get this feeling about I instantly take anything they say with a grain of salt and it is up to them to...

This doesn't matter if his actions are related to mbti or not. There are always people who will mean to do something towards another person because they can get away with it. What you have done...

When you see a giant crowd and you instantly look for any other way to bypass them as if they're a crowd of zombies.

Some of the links been removed, so this is an update to my original.

I like a lot of animals, but for domestic animals, I would pick dog every time.

How did you know I been caught before taking short cuts in places I wasn't allowed. Sir, you're not supposed to be here. Me: I'm just walking through points to the exit, while still going.

Yep that is us and we also like to try to say things with our actions sometimes. http://cdn.playbuzz.com/cdn/761933c4-31d8-40ad-b04c-b4bd12abd9a2/f28f36c7-96b3-486d-ac4c-fdf54165987d.gif Found...

http://img.humorsharing.com/media/images/1512/i_hey_travolta_why_u_confused_005_5671350ab02c6.gif http://66.media.tumblr.com/7bc46c0250849afe7c41162ee81c3c52/tumblr_inline_nv2ikkn9Ro1slrvm0_500.gif...

At first I thought it was scars you and I wrote this. My younger self, second is many cats I owned when I was young, third teenage emotions and those are very low on the list. But Scares me?...

An istp person will try and succeed in the moment or if fail and only if it was important to them at the time do... (1)Look for answers from other sources and test them out to see if it works. If not...

It is not a state of contentment. But of understanding what best not affects you in life.

People who do not ask the following questions. -Tell me about yourself that is interesting. -Why are you so boring. -Can we do something else. (In mid trip, wanting to change it after I planned...

I shrug that comment off now, because to me it's the same, as if I told you, this is the first time we have met. During our first meeting. Pointless to point it out.

Here’s Why ISTPs Might Just Be The Coolest Personality Type This, if you know that is how you go around living life.

What you describe about your father is pretty close to mine. He was loving to all his children and when angered he would tell us why that pissed him off. He let us have responsibility and told us...

Sultanim is right. When an istp says something it is not always negative or even positive. It is just a announcement, as if he never seen this before. So when he mentions something like, wanting to...

This depends on how much you see him in a week, is it once or more he might just be feeling the long distance is too much for him in a short amount of time to spend with you. If it's longer then he...

I pretty much have a limited number of hugs per week/month and they mean different things depending on who it is. For family members the longer I don't see them the better chance my hug will means...

You might still be an istp. The way you described how you react to events could mean istp, but idk if some other types share this. Don't worry about the gray hairs I have a few and I am only 27 and I...

How do you view the world? The world is a vast place and within it no one can know it all, but all you can do is know as much as you can learn and disregarded those who cannot grasp the picture....

I have many dreams that when I wake up I can recall almost all of it, but I stopped caring and forget them by the afternoon. Although I do get similar dreams a lot and even repeat dreams, but those...

You can have both. Eat all but one of each color and say you're done.

All objects have two functions for an istp. One: What they are meant to do. Two: Anything else it can do.

https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/12407298_1650573318525484_550333033_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTE2NDY1OTkzNjQ4MDM5MTY4Nw%3D%3D.2 ...


This is just a individual type of way to have fun. I use to play pokemon almost none stop as a kid and it was because it had so much mekanics to learn and stuff to find/beat, but once I got older I...

The legend says that all those boxes were filled with bricks... and he is still going.

Infj's would express how much they care about something. When the istp would say I don't care a lot. The infj would offer to help and do so to those they like. While the istp will only wait for a...

Dear J-types Just because we are not doing it in order doesn't make us less efficient. https://az616578.vo.msecnd.net/files/2016/04/02/635952216432823499-1227978431_mbti-dichotomies-jp.gif A...

It is because I don't ask for much if anything at all and when I do I will remember it. I hate feeling obligated to pay back them. So if we are on neutral ground and someone asks me for help/stuff. I...

The simple answer is, no. But maybe I would tell her how little she knows and show her how the world really works and leave it at that if I go. If she just emotionally fights back then it is over...'