'Space to move around in.
Just a sex customer. It's worrisome work. You have to own it.
I like essay questions. You can really go nuts.
No one dares.
Obedience has its place. But it generally is boring. Predictable.
It's normal for me to regularly question whether what I'm doing right now is the right thing. Regular gut checks are good. In this case, I'd probably finish the program to get as much experience...
I've found time and experience does away with it. I'm in my early 30s now and feel way more mellow than even just a couple of years ago. More certain. Quicker to dismiss feelings of anxiety. I...
I'm more or less in this sector of the MBTI realm. Getting things done without the ego! That's important for any number of reasons. No wishy washy loops of 'what if.'
A frog that carries its young in its stomach. (Now extinct.) Nature and more: The extinct (and nearly resurrected) Southern...
Not bad, but not preferred. I like it when people openly say, Oh, come on, give me a hug, because it's not on me to initiate.
Sure, if it's been long enough. More often than not I just move someplace new to get the same effect. (Also, I find myself living in small places where I can't fit that much stuff. That helps...
All the time. Yesterday, it was work-related. Using a UI that popped up in the dream to manage tasks for people I know from work. At least, I think they were people from work. I believe there was...
Anxiety and stress. Heartbreak has really messed me up in the past. Who knows if it'll happen again, given the experience.
Write a story about it. Think of it as proposing a hypothetical.
Hm. I'm 31 now. It's been an evolving series of interconnected decisions and experiences. No single point in time. I liked video games. Then I liked The Simpsons and graphic/web design, so I...
To ask that question.
I can read people to a certain degree. Enough that my gut gets a sense of who they are and whether they'll bring positive or negative vibes.
Do you not sit like this?
Pretty much. New experiences inform future decisions.
Right. My gut tells me it's a survival thing. You can't live with that stuff indefinitely. Has to fade away or otherwise remain tucked away in the subconscious.
Oddly quiet, maybe. But folks think it's some kind of stoicism.
See, socializing is easier in these situations where you're with a group and have no choice but to be there. Glad it went well.
You all talk about emotional memory yet? Because mine sucks.
Tomba! for PS1. I first played it as a demo in 1998. About time I get to finish it.
Someone told me about this long before I watched it, and I pretty much acted like I was too cool for it. I'm bummed that I was a jerk toward her. Especially since it's a fuckin' amazing series.
I have no experience with it, but the folks who do talk about it seem to eventually realize there's one attraction or another.
I hate poorly constructed burritos.
Assistant producer in video games. I like aspects of it. Mainly anything to do with long, repetitive tasks that suck up a lot of time and contribute to the project. I don't like the social or...
It's not a race. Find like-minded folks and you'll find a comfortable pace.
I mentally wander in and out. Rather be working.
Isn't it said that the majority of people are xSTJ? Maybe that's been touched on. You know how it is when people feel that they are not part of a perceived majority.
I do, but from a fantasy standpoint. What kind of disaster would lead to an apocalyptic scenario? How would we continue to exist? So, mainly the stories, not the potential reality. I'm in no way...
No need to pin me. I talk about it freely. I don't concern myself with domestic duties.
I like physical activity when it's new. Hike the same trail twice? Why? In any case, I'm decidedly unfit. It comes from terrible coping mechanisms. Fast food, laziness, and the like. I'm naturally...
Too much responsibility.
Have you considered that sentience is mental illness?
Sort of. I don't care to exert myself over those around me. They can do what they want as long as they're not hurting others. However, I feel like things would be straightforward if people simply...
Generally: -drive around -eat dinner -go home -watch a film/episode of something -sleep It's kind of boring, but I'm feeling some stress.
I lie, but wouldn't consider it polite. Mostly to get out of stuff without explanation.
Howdy. What's with coming back around after years of silence? A cat's curiosity? Some kinda enduring hope? (Which I can respect, but you know. Time.)
That reflects my impulsive nature. I think, like most folks, I'd still want a 'home base'. The certainty of knowing I have a home somewhere.
Never fired or let go, but I've gotten used to regular promotions and opportunities. So, if too much time passes, I tend to leave myself to look for something else. All similar work, office stuff....
Sure, but mainly for cost reasons. Make me a millionaire and home is where I'll happen to be that day.
It sounds good, but it's a broad statement. Lots of humans out there. I have no doubt that there's someone with whom I can get along with very well. I just don't want to go through the trial of...
Yep. That other people's time is a big source of anxiety. I'm considering that working on my own time will become necessary to survive. I don't agree with the OP, though. I'm not gonna explode at...
This happened once. Annoying. I suspect I do this much of the time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yd9ma2UVLHM
A little control, a little delusion.
Too much stress.
Nothing to fight.
More lessons to come.'