'I don't know if my opinion would help at all since I'm a girl, but I'm a lesbian lol, and I guess I have a similar thought process to a guy's (having a lot of guy friends who hang out and confide in...
Well, I don't think he felt I can't believe I said those things. I think when there is no pressure or expectations, it works out best that way, and I think that must be how he felt. I think SP...
hm.. I actually have a tendency of constantly wanting to change when things don't work out. It's kinda impulsive though, but I don't really tend to think of it as grass is greener. Like for example...
I tend to consistently run into INFJs all the time... oddly, I don't know why. I usually get along very well with them and I like that they are expressive of how they feel and whatnot. I like that...
That's actually pretty tough. Well I did read somewhere about ISTPs and the whole nothing is unconditional. Like saying I do/I will, it's really for now. And that's pretty true, at least for...
When I get depressed, I get very self-critical and have a greater tendency of thinking/imagining the worst that could happen. I also stop caring and tend to display a idgaf attitude around...
37210 this is just an update from my previous picture lol. I wonder why I never run into ISTPs in person! :(
Hmm... I'm usually pretty welcoming person from the start, I enjoy talking to people, if I feel we will be friends or there is potential for a good friendship/relationship, otherwise I hate small...
dude. My ENFP gf said to me (or claimed) that she has an extremely high sex drive and that it's been a problem with others in the past. I quote, Yeahhh I'm sorta..a..hypersexual. I was like, oh...
And I would like to add that, out of the known personality types I have been with (ENTP, ESFP, ISTJ, ENFPs), it seems to me that ENFPs worked best with me. I seem to get along grand with them! :D ...
Soo I'm with this new ENFP now, going on for 3 months.. and even though the relationship is quite new and fresh, I think it's quite possibly the best relationship I've had to date! So much sexual and...
I love the fine arts. I'm just not good at any of them.. I wish I was though, so I have the utmost respect for those who can really get their hands into it all. I've never really understood much...
beauty of copy & paste. Less effort to type. Ok done, my fingers are aching now.
jaykayz >^.^< kitty
...x85....x85..:´¯/) ............./¯..// ............/....// ....../´¯/'...'/´¯¯')¸ ....../'/.../..../......./u200b¨¯ .('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...') ...................'.....u200b./ ...'...................
Hi guys! I just came here to troll because this thread was so pointless. u200e.……..…../´¯/)………...(¯` .…………/….//…..…..……. ..………./….//………..….…. ...../´¯/…./´¯………../¯ `….¯`...
I don't hang out with people when I need to recharge. I just sleep, go on the computer, watch movies if I'm really bored, sleep, cook and snack on something.. probably go outside and read a book...
I agree with everything above. But out of all of that, I really truly hate being told what to do, and I hate when people plan so much shit ahead of time that it leaves me no room to do my own thing....
1. When you really like someone (or in love with someone), how do you act around your object of affection? It depends on my comfort level... A lot of times I'm really shy and a bit quiet, I kind of...
Uhm. This might sound totally ridiculous and this is not the best compliment I've never given, but out of shyness and embarrassment, I never tell them you're hot lol I'd say something along the...
HAHA! I was JUST literally talking about that a couple days ago with a mate! I need to climb a water tower. Now. Where can we find one? Arrrgh
Judging from OP, i don't think you're an ISTP, you sound like INFJ (perhaps INFP but the former sounds more likely). From what I've read, I don't think Ts cry very often, and from my personal...
Are you ok? What are you thinking about? Are you bored? Why are you sitting/doing that by yourself? (sometimes followed by Come over here) Dude..you're such a bitch Did you really...
I dated an ENTP.. she was my first girlfriend. Personally, I don't know how all ENTPs are, but the one I was dating always had the need to be right and would make me feel like I wasn't doing my job,...
masculine: I'm a total tomboy. I don't really wear dresses or high heels either. I also pretty much get involved with the guys and hang out, I love sports and .. my friends say I make a lot of hand...
Work to live as well. A lot of the work I seem to get involved with doing ends up tiring me and I end up just wanting get the hell out and go home. I'll only live to work if I really love...
i would never say something to hurt another on purpose. Usually it seems I heart others unintentionally but that's because I just happen to be a very direct person. Many people tend to take it the...
no, not interested. strictly just girls as long as they're not irritating, emotional, and immature lol. and willing to explore the new with me.
I think what makes me depressed is thinking I cannot accomplish something that needs to be done, letting people down, and some other issues that relate to stress. I'm constantly thinking in my head...
that's a scary one! i wouldn't even bother thinking of doing that XD
I want to be able to say/know : yeah I've seen it. Yeah I've done it. Yeah I've been there. I'm always up to see something new and explore places I've never seen in my life. I travel a lot and go...
I'm studying/majoring in chemistry right now but haven't figured out whether to change to biochemistry yet. So I wanna ask too, for everyone's majors, do you enjoy it or do you just want to get...
ISTPs can be pretty on/off. I've been told I'm pretty unpredictable too, no one can really know what I'm thinking or feeling... I don't know how to say really, but what Cherryiezz said in her post...
I can't really specify a type but I can specify what traits that really turn me off: arrogance/self-righteousness, immaturity, too uptight, too unrealistic (it's okay to have goals and dreams, but I...
thanks ! i did it myself :$
http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/183106_1794206849112_1057890205_31983012_3980613_n.jpg this is me lol.. kinda tomboyish :3 ..
No way. I tend to wear a lot of layers and tend to dress a bit boyish. I wear pants 90% of the time. I'm pretty uncomfortable about revealing skin.
I'm 21, I'm going to be 22 in a short few months though. I live in California but I'm moving to Oregon in the fall~
Whew, I thought I'd be the only messy one :p my room is a disaster, I don't clean as often as I like, but I have a crapload of stuff. I think that my family members also eventually treated it as a...
LOL!!! that sounds very much like my gf. My gf is an ISTJ too, we gave been dating for 8 mths now. She always plans everything ahead and needs a backup plan, and a backup plan for that, and then a...
I don't want kids. I thought about it before and I think the only reason I would want them would be to make my parents happy or something. So far I wouldn't consider having kids though. I just figure...
Hmm yeah I wondered if there would be any clashing or any annoying habits that either type may get irritated at, whatnot. Seems not many people have had experience in these type relationships...
i didn't make them, i found them. Yeah i probably had too much time on myhands last night with a lack of something to do either hahah. But it was fun reading them
http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd505/moldybanana/mbti/1056.gif http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd505/moldybanana/mbti/1054_p.jpg...
http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd505/moldybanana/mbti/entj2.jpg http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd505/moldybanana/mbti/entj1.jpg...
http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd505/moldybanana/mbti/ESFJ11.jpg http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd505/moldybanana/mbti/ESFJ.jpg...
http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd505/moldybanana/mbti/estj2.jpg http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd505/moldybanana/mbti/estj1.jpg...
http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd505/moldybanana/mbti/estppleasure.jpg http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd505/moldybanana/mbti/estpbox.jpg...'